A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 


abort() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Inform this request that any further processing does not make sense.
abortRequested - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
accentedSyllables - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
accentPriorities - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
AcousticModeller - Class in marytts.modules
Predict duration and F0 using CARTs or other models
AcousticModeller() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
AcousticModeller(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
AcousticModeller(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
AcousticModeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
AcousticModeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
AcousticModeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
acousticModels - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
ACOUSTPARAMS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
addDaughter(Node) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Add a daughter to the node
addFeatureProcessor(MaryFeatureProcessor) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
addFeatureVector(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
addJarsToClasspath() - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Add jars to classpath.
addLanguagesAndVoices(InstallFileParser) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
addLocation(URL) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
addRequest(Object) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
addUttModel(HTSModel) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
AF16000 - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Audio format: 16kHz,16bit,mono, native byte order
AF16000BE - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Audio format: 16kHz,16bit,mono, big endian
AF22050 - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Audio format: 22.05kHz,16bit,mono, native byte order
ALLOPHONES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
allophoneSet - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
allophoneSet - Variable in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
allophoneSet - Variable in class marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP
analysisParams - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmTimelineReader
analysisParams - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
APML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
APMLParser - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a APML document into a raw (untokenised) MaryXML document
APMLParser() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.APMLParser
append(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
appendableAudioStream - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
appendAudio(AudioInputStream) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
For audio data, append more audio data to the one currently present.
appendChildElement(Node, String) - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
appendToken(Element, String) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Create a new <t> element and insert it after t.
apply(DoubleDataSource, String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
apply(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
apply(DoubleDataSource, String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
apply(BufferedDoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
apply(AudioInputStream, String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
apply() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
Carry out a Viterbi search in for a prepared queue of ViterbiPoints.
applyFromTo(List<Element>, List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
Predict F0 for the list of elements and apply to another list of elements.
applyFromTo(List<Element>, List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Apply this Model to a List of Elements, predicting from a different List of Elements
applyParagraphDeclination - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
applyRules(Node) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Verify whether this Node has a parent preventing the application of intonation rules.
applyTo(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.BoundaryModel
applyTo(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
Predict duration for the list of elements.
applyTo - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
applyTo(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Apply this Model to a List of Elements, predicting from those same Elements
AUDIO - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
AUDIO - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
audio - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
AudioEffect - Interface in marytts.signalproc.effects
AudioEffects - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
AudioEffects() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffects
audioEffects - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
audioFileFormat - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
audioformat - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
AudioStreamNHttpEntity - Class in marytts.server.http
AudioStreamNHttpEntity(Request) - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
audioTimeline - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
audioTimeline - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
audioTimeline - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
available() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
The number of doubles that can currently be read from this double data source without blocking.


b2en(double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
b2en: functions for postfiltering
b2mc(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
b2mc: transform MLSA digital filter coefficients to mel-cepstrum
backtrace - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
BANDPASS_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
BANDREJECT_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
BaseAudioEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
BaseAudioEffect(BaseAudioEffect) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
BaseAudioEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
BaseAudioEffect(int, String) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
BaseHttpRequestHandler - Class in marytts.server.http
Provides baseline functionality to process http requests to the Mary server.
BaseHttpRequestHandler() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
basenameTimeline - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
BaseUnitConcatenator - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
Concatenates Units and returns an audio stream
BaseUnitConcatenator() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Empty Constructor; need to call load(UnitDatabase) separately
BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
beamSize - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
beamSize - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
BINARY - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
BOUNDARY - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
BoundaryModel - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
Model which currently predicts only a flat 400 ms duration for each boundary Element
BoundaryModel(FeatureProcessorManager, String, InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.BoundaryModel
buildListMap() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
BYTEFEATURES - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
bytePtr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.IdxField
byteswap(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
byteswap(short) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
byteValuedDiscreteFeatureProcessors - Variable in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
byteValuedDiscreteFeatures - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
ByteValuedFeatureProcessor - Interface in marytts.features
Performs a specific type of processing on an item and returns an object.


c2ir(double[], int, double[], int) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
c2ir: The minimum phase impulse response is evaluated from the minimum phase cepstrum
cancel() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
canCreateMP3() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Determine whether conversion to mp3 is possible.
canCreateOgg() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Determine whether conversion to ogg vorbis format is possible.
CART - Class in marytts.cart
A tree is a specific kind of directed graph in which each node can have only a single parent node.
CART() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.CART
Build a new empty cart
CART(FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.CART
Build a new empty cart with the given feature definition.
CART(Node, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.CART
Build a new cart with the given node as the root node
CART(Node, FeatureDefinition, Properties) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.CART
Build a new cart with the given node as the root node
cart - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
CARTDurationModeller - Class in marytts.modules
CARTDurationModeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
CARTDurationModeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
CARTDurationModeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
CARTF0Modeller - Class in marytts.modules
CARTF0Modeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
CARTF0Modeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
CARTF0Modeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
CARTModel - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
Model for applying a CART to a list of Targets
CARTModel(FeatureProcessorManager, String, InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.CARTModel
CartTreeSet - Class in marytts.htsengine
Set of CART trees used in HMM synthesis.
CartTreeSet() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
check() - Static method in class marytts.server.EnvironmentChecks
Check central requirements in the runtime environment of the system.
checkAttributes(Element, Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "attributes"; checks if the MaryXML attributes and values of current token are the same as in the rule
checkAttributesOfOtherToken(String, Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "nextAttributes","previousAttributes","nextPlusXAttributes","previousMinusXAttributes"; checks if the MaryXML attributes and values of other token than the current one are the same as in rule (f.e.
checkConsistency() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
This method will try to check that the available configs are consistent and will spot obvious reasons why they might not work together as a full system.
checkFolTokens(Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "folTokens"; there is only the "num" attribute right now; checks if the number of the following tokens after the current token is the same as the value of the num attribute; f.e.
checkFolWords(Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "folWords"; there is only the "num" attribute right now; checks if the number of the following words after the current token is the same as the value of the num attribute; f.e.
checkLexicon(String, String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
checkList(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Checks if tokenValue is contained in list.
checkList(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGenericFST
Checks if tokenValue is contained in list.
checkParameters() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
checkParameters() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
checkPrevTokens(Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "prevTokens"; there is only the "num" attribute right now; checks if the number of the tokens preceding the current token is the same as the value of the num attribute; f.e.
checkPrevWords(Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "prevWords"; there is only the "num" attribute right now; checks if the number of the words preceding the current token is the same as the value of the num attribute; f.e.
checkProsodicPosition(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "prosodicPosition"; there is only the "type" attribute right now: checks if prosodic position of a token is the same as the value of the type attribute in the rule; values: prenuclear, nuclearParagraphFinal, nuclearParagraphNonFinal, postnuclear
checkRulePart(Element, Element, NodeList, int, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks condition of a rule part, f.e.
checkSentence(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "sentence"; there is only the "type" attribute right now: checks if sentence type of a token is the same as the value of the type attribute in the rule
checkSpecialPosition(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "specialPosition"; there is only the "type" attribute right now: checks if specialPosition value of a token is the same as the value of the type attribute in the rule; values: endofvorfeld, endofpar (end of paragraph)
checkText(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "text"; there is only the "word" attribute right now: checks if text of a token is the same as the value of the word attribute in the rule
checkTextOfOtherToken(String, Element, int, NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks rule part with tag "nextText","previousText","nextPlusXText" or "previousMinusXText"; there is only the "word" attribute right now: checks if text of a token is the same as the value of the word attribute in the rule
chEffectParamEnd - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
chEffectParamStart - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
chEffectSeparator - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
ChorusEffectBase - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
ChorusEffectBase() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
ChorusEffectBase(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
chParamEquals - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
chParamSeparator - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
close() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Closes the external process's input and output streams, and destroys the process.
cmd() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The command line to execute as an external process.
coeffs - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
compare(FeatureVector, FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureComparator
Compares two feature vectors according to their values at an internal index previously set by this.setFeatureIdx().
compareTo(ComponentDescription) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Define a natural ordering for component descriptions.
compareTo(ViterbiCandidate) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Compare two candidates so that the one with the smaller target cost is considered smaller.
compareTo(ViterbiPath) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Compare two viterbi paths such that the one with the lower score is considered smaller.
compareTo(SourceTargetPair) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.SourceTargetPair
compareTo(VocalizationCandidate) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationCandidate
ComponentDescription - Class in marytts.tools.install
ComponentDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
ComponentDescription(Element) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
ComponentDescription.Status - Enum in marytts.tools.install
computeFeatureVector(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
Using the set of feature processors defined when creating the target feature computer, compute a feature vector for the target
computeTargetFeatures(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
computeTargetFeatures(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
computeTargetFeatures(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
computeTargetFeatures(Target) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
computeTotalDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Compute the total duration of a timeline.
concatenationData - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
concatenator - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
concatRealisedAcoustParams(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
contains(FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether this FeatureDefinition is a superset of, or equal to, another FeatureDefinition.
ContinuousFeatureProcessor - Interface in marytts.features
Performs a specific type of processing on an item and returns an object.
continuousFeatureProcessors - Variable in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
CONTINUOUSFEATURES - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
continuousFeatures - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
contourCostWeight - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
contourFeatures - Variable in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
contourGraph - Variable in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
convertIfNeededAndPossible(AudioInputStream, AudioFormat, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
copyAccentsToSyllables(Document) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Go through all tokens in a document, and copy any accents to the first accented syllable.
copyInputStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
correctStressSymbol(LinkedList<String>) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
For those syllables containing a "1" character, remove that "1" character and add a stress marker ' at the beginning of the syllable.
cost(Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
cost(Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
cost(Target, Unit, FeatureDefinition, WeightFunc[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
cost(Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
cost(int, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Deliver the join cost between two units described by their index.
cost(Target, Unit, Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
A combined cost computation, as a weighted sum of the signal-based cost (computed from the units) and the phonetics-based cost (computed from the targets).
cost(Target, Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
cost(Target, Unit, Target, Unit) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of joining two units, given the corresponding targets
cost(Target, Unit, Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
A combined cost computation, as a weighted sum of the signal-based cost (computed from the units) and the phonetics-based cost (computed from the targets).
cost(Target, Unit, Target, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
Return the (precomputed) cost of joining the two given units; if there is no precomputed cost, return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
cost(Unit, Unit) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalCostFunction
cost(Unit, Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
cost(Unit, Unit, boolean) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
Cost function for a given units if consecutive == true, and if they are consecutive units make cost = 0
cost(Target, Unit) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
cost(Target, Unit, FeatureDefinition, WeightFunc[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target
cost(double, double) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunc
Compute a weighted difference
cost(double, double) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.linear
Cost computation: a simple absolute value of a subtraction.
cost(double, double) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.step
Cost computation: the absolute value of a subtraction, with application of a saturation if the difference value reaches a certain percentage of the mean value of the arguments.
countConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
countData() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Set the number of candidates correctly, by counting while walking down the tree.
countEffects() - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffects
countLanguageConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
countVoiceConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
createAudioDestination() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Create an AudioDestination to which the audio data can be written.
createBoundary(Document) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Create a default boundary element belonging to document doc, but not yet attached.
createComponentXML() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
CreateComponentXML - Class in marytts.tools.install
CreateComponentXML() - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.CreateComponentXML
createComponentXML() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
createEdgeFeatureVector(int, boolean) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature vector that marks a start or end of a unit.
createElement(Document, String) - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
In the given MaryXML document, create a new element of the given name, with the proper namespace.
createFeatureVectorLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
createFloatLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
createIntAndFloatArrayLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
createIntArrayLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
createLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
For a line representing a leaf in Wagon format, create a leaf.
createStringAndFloatLeafNode(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
createTargets(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneUnitSelector
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
createTargets(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneUnitSelector
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
createTargets(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
createTargetsWithPauses(List<Element>, String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister
Create the list of targets from the segments to be synthesized Prepend and append pauses if necessary
createTargetsWithPauses(List<Element>, String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
Create the list of targets from the segments to be synthesized Prepend and append pauses if necessary
createZeroDatagram(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Create a datagram appropriate for this unit concatenator which contains only zero values as samples.
cumulJoinCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
cumulTargetCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
cumulWeightedCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
cumulWeightedSignalCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
currentState() - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Inform about system state.
currentVoice - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner


data - Variable in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
database - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
database - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
database - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource(Datagram[][], Datagram[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
Construct an double data source from the given array of datagram arrays and right contexts.
datagrams - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
datagramsBytePos - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
dataStream - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The stream from which we will read our acoustic model.
daughters - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
dbAudioFormat() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
dbAudioFormat() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
debugShowCostGraph - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
debugShowCostGraph - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
DecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
A decision node that determines the next Node to go to in the CART.
DecisionNode(String, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Construct a new DecisionNode
DecisionNode(int, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Construct a new DecisionNode
DecisionNode(int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Construct a new DecisionNode
DECISIONNODE - Static variable in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
Bit code for identifying a node id as a decision node id in binary DirectedGraph files
DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
A binary decision Node that compares two byte values.
DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode(String, String, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
Create a new binary String DecisionNode.
DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode(int, byte, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode(int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
Creates an empty BinaryByteDecisionNode, the feature and feature value of this node should be filled with setFeatureAndFeatureValue() function.
DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
A binary decision Node that compares two float values.
DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode(int, float, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
Create a new binary String DecisionNode.
DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode(String, float, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
A binary decision Node that compares two short values.
DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode(String, String, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
Create a new binary String DecisionNode.
DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode(int, short, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
An decision Node with an arbitrary number of daughters.
DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode(String, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
Build a new byte decision node
DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode(int, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
Build a new byte decision node
DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode - Class in marytts.cart
An decision Node with an arbitrary number of daughters.
DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode(String, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
Build a new short decision node
DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode(int, int, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
Build a new short decision node
DecisionNode.Type - Enum in marytts.cart
deepFill(MaryNode) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Fill a tree which specifies a feature hierarchy but no corresponding units.
deepSort(int[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Launches a deep sort on the array of feature vectors.
deepSort(String[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Launches a deep sort on the array of feature vectors.
DEFAULT_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
DEFAULT_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
DEFAULT_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
DEFAULT_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
DEFAULT_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
DEFAULT_CUTOFF1 - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
DEFAULT_CUTOFF2 - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
DEFAULT_DUR_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
DEFAULT_F0_ADD - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
DEFAULT_F0_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
defaultEffects - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
defaultLocale - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
defaultStyle - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
defaultVoice - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
determineAllophoneSet(Element) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
For an element in a MaryXML document, do what you can to determine the appropriate AllophoneSet.
determineAllophoneSet(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Try to determine the Allophone set to use for the given locale.
determineBestFeatureProcessorManager(Voice) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
For the given voice, return the best feature manager.
determineBestFeatureProcessorManager(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
For the given locale, return the best feature manager.
determineLocale(String, Locale) - Method in class marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML
Try to determine the locale of the given text.
determineTargetPitchmarks(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Determine target pitchmarks (= duration and f0) for each unit.
determineTargetPitchmarks(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator
Determine target pitchmarks (= duration and f0) for each unit.
didDestroy() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
diff(FeatureVector, FeatureVector) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Compares two feature vectors in terms of how many discrete features they have in common.
DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
DiphoneTarget - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
DiphoneTarget(HalfPhoneTarget, HalfPhoneTarget) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
DiphoneUnit - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
DiphoneUnit(Unit, Unit) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
DiphoneUnitDatabase - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
DiphoneUnitDatabase() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnitDatabase
DiphoneUnitSelector - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
DiphoneUnitSelector() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneUnitSelector
Initialise the unit selector.
DirectedGraph - Class in marytts.cart
A directed graph is a layered structure of nodes, in which there are mother-daughter relationships between the node.
DirectedGraph() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Build a new empty directed graph
DirectedGraph(FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Build a new empty graph with the given feature definition.
DirectedGraph(Node, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Build a new graph with the given node as the root node
DirectedGraph(Node, FeatureDefinition, Properties) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Build a new graph with the given node as the root node
DirectedGraphNode - Class in marytts.cart
A type of node that can be at the same time a decision node and a leaf node, and that can have more than one mother.
DirectedGraphNode(DecisionNode, Node) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
DIRECTEDGRAPHNODE - Static variable in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
Bit code for identifying a node id as a directed node id in binary DirectedGraph files
DirectedGraphReader - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for Directed graphs in Mary format
DirectedGraphReader() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
DirectedGraphWriter - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for directed graphs in Mary format
DirectedGraphWriter() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphWriter
domain - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
doNotifyAll() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
doWait() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
doWait(long) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
doWait(long) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
download(boolean) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
DummyAllophones2AcoustParams - Class in marytts.modules
DummyAllophones2AcoustParams() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyAllophones2AcoustParams
DummyAllophones2AcoustParams(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyAllophones2AcoustParams
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
DummyAllophones2AcoustParams(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyAllophones2AcoustParams
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
DummyDuration2AcoustParams - Class in marytts.modules
DummyDuration2AcoustParams() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyDuration2AcoustParams
DummyDuration2AcoustParams(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyDuration2AcoustParams
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
DummyDuration2AcoustParams(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyDuration2AcoustParams
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
DummyTokens2Words - Class in marytts.modules
Dummy modules to support new language (for phone durations and phone f0)
DummyTokens2Words() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words
DummyTokens2Words(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
DummyTokens2Words(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
dump(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
Method which writes an index to a RandomAccessFile
dump(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.ProcHeader
Method which writes the proc header to a RandomAccessFile.
dumpAudio(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
dumpBinary(CART, DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTWriter
Dumps this CART to the output stream in WagonFormat.
dumpData(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Get file names from voice config file.
dumpMaryCART(CART, String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTWriter
Dump the CARTs in MaryCART format
dumpTextGrid(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Dump units to Praat TextGrid.
dumpWagonCART(CART, String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTWriter
Dump the CARTs in the cart map to destinationDir/CARTS.bin
duration - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
Unit duration, expressed in samples.
duration - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
durationGraph - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
DURATIONS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
durScale - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect


EDGEFEATURE - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
EDGEFEATURE_END - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
EDGEFEATURE_START - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
effectClasses() - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Names of the classes to use as audio effects.
EffectsApplier - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
EffectsApplier() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
EMOTIONML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
EmotionmlParser - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a SABLE document into a raw (untokenised) MaryXML document
EmotionmlParser() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser
ENC_LINE_END - Static variable in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
ENC_LINE_START - Static variable in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
encloseWithMTU(Element, String, String) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Create a new <mtu> element, inserted in the tree at the position of t and enclosing t.
endMarker() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
ensureMaryStarted() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
entityRequest(HttpEntityEnclosingRequest, HttpContext) - Method in class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
EnvironmentChecks - Class in marytts.server
EnvironmentChecks() - Constructor for class marytts.server.EnvironmentChecks
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureComparator
The equals() method asked for by the Comparable interface.
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether two feature definitions are equal, regarding both the actual feature definitions and the weights.
equals(Voice.Gender) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice.Gender
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
inspired by http://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/equality.html
equals(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Tests if this datagram is equal to another datagram.
equals(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Tests if this datagram is equal to another datagram.
equals(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Tests if this datagram is equal to another datagram.
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Sentence
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Syllable
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
inspired by http://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/equality.html
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.SourceTargetPair
equals(Object) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationCandidate
eraseData(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
Delete a candidate of the leaf by its given data/index
errorFileNotFound(HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
errorInternalServerError(HttpResponse, String, Throwable) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
errorLogger - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
errorMissingQueryParameter(HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
errorWrongQueryParameterValue(HttpResponse, String, String, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
evaluate(Target) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.BoundaryModel
For boundaries, this does nothing;
evaluate(Target) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.CARTModel
Apply the CART to a Target to get its predicted value
evaluate(Target) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
Apply the HMM to a Target to get its predicted value, this method is not used in HMMModel.
evaluate(Target) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Evaluate model on a Target to obtain the target value as a float.
evaluate(Target) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.SoPModel
Apply the SoP to a Target to get its predicted value
exampleText(Locale) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide an example text for this data type, for the given locale, if one is available.
exampleText - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
exitRequested() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
expectDoubleParameter(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
expectDoubleParameter(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
expectFloatParameter(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
expectFloatParameter(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
expectIntParameter(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
expectIntParameter(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
EXTERNAL_MARKUP - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
externalIO(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The actual external input and output.
ExternalModule - Class in marytts.modules
A base class for all external Mary modules.
ExternalModule(String, String, MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
ExternalModule.ProcessingThread - Class in marytts.modules
ExternalModule.ProcessingThread() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ExternalModule.ProcessingThread
ExternalModule.RestarterThread - Class in marytts.modules
ExternalModule.RestarterThread() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ExternalModule.RestarterThread
ExternalModuleRequest - Class in marytts.modules
ExternalModuleRequest(MaryData) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest


f0 - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
f0Add - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
f0Carts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
f0ContourFeatures - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
f0ContourImposeSupport - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
f0ContourImposeSupport - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
f0ContourImposeSupport - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
f0ContourImposeSupport - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
f0FeatureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
f0Graph - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
f0Scale - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology - Class in marytts.vocalizations
FDPSOLA Synthesis technology to synthesize vocalizations
FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology(TimelineReader, VocalizationUnitFileReader, HNMFeatureFileReader, VocalizationIntonationReader, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
FdpsolaUnitConcatenator - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
A unit concatenator that supports FD-PSOLA based prosody modifications during speech synthesis
FdpsolaUnitConcatenator() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.FdpsolaUnitConcatenator
FdpsolaUnitConcatenator(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.FdpsolaUnitConcatenator
Alternative constructor that allows overriding the modification value ranges
featDef - Variable in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
feature - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
FeatureArrayIndexer - Class in marytts.cart.impose
A class branched from FeatureFileIndexer which works directly on a feature array, rather than extending FeatureFileReader.
FeatureArrayIndexer(FeatureVector[], FeatureDefinition, int[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Constructor which takes an array of feature vectors and launches an indexing operation according to a feature sequence constraint.
FeatureArrayIndexer(FeatureVector[], FeatureDefinition, String[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Constructor which takes an array of feature vectors and launches an indexing operation according to a feature sequence constraint.
FeatureArrayIndexer(FeatureVector[], FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Constructor which loads the feature vector array but does not launch an indexing operation.
FeatureComparator - Class in marytts.cart.impose
FeatureComparator(int, FeatureVector.FeatureType) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureComparator
Constructor which initializes the feature index.
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The producer of feature vectors for the features in Model.predictionFeatureNames as computed by the feature processors in Model.featureManager.
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
featureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
featureCost(Target, Unit, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit between given unit and given target for a given feature
featureCost(Target, Unit, String, FeatureDefinition, WeightFunc[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
featureCost(Target, Unit, String, FeatureDefinition, WeightFunc[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction
Compute the goodness-of-fit between given unit and given target for a given feature
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
FeatureDefinition - Class in marytts.features
A feature definition object represents the "meaning" of feature vectors.
FeatureDefinition(BufferedReader, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature definition object, reading textual data from the given BufferedReader.
FeatureDefinition(DataInput) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature definition object, reading binary data from the given DataInput.
FeatureDefinition(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature definition object, reading binary data from the given byte buffer.
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
featureDefinition - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
featureEquals(FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether two feature definitions are equal, with respect to number, names, and possible values of the three kinds of features (byte-valued, short-valued, continuous).
featureEqualsAnalyse(FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
An extension of the previous method.
FeatureFileIndexingResult - Class in marytts.cart.impose
A helper class to return the query results from the FeatureFileIndexer.
FeatureFileIndexingResult(FeatureVector[], int) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureFileIndexingResult
featureFileReader - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
FeatureFileReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
FeatureFileReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Empty constructor; need to call load() separately when using this.
FeatureFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
featureFileReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
featureIndex - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
featureIndex - Variable in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
featureManager - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The feature processors used for prediction.
featureName - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The name of the predicted acoustic feature, if any.
FeatureProcessorManager - Class in marytts.features
FeatureProcessorManager(String) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
FeatureProcessorManager(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
FeatureProcessorManager(Voice) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
Constructor called from a Voice that has its own acoustic models
FeatureProcessorManager() - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
FeatureRegistry - Class in marytts.features
features2context(FeatureDefinition, FeatureVector, Vector<String>) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
Convert the feature vector into a context model name to be used by HTS/HTK.
features2LongContext(FeatureDefinition, FeatureVector, Vector<String>) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
Convert the feature vector into a context model name to be used by HTS/HTK.
FEATURESIMILARITY - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
FeatureUtils - Class in marytts.util
FeatureUtils() - Constructor for class marytts.util.FeatureUtils
FeatureVector - Class in marytts.features
Compact representation of a list of byte-valued, short-valued and float-valued (continuous) features.
FeatureVector(byte[], short[], float[], int) - Constructor for class marytts.features.FeatureVector
featureVector - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
FeatureVector.FeatureType - Enum in marytts.features
FeatureVectorCART - Class in marytts.cart
FeatureVectorCART(MaryNode, FeatureArrayIndexer) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.FeatureVectorCART
Convert the given Mary node tree into a CART with the leaves containing featureVectors
featureVectorMapping(FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
feature vector mapping according to new feature definition Note: The new feature definition should be a subset of original feature definition
featureVectors - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
featureVectors - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
feaType - Variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
type of features it contains
FEMALE - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Gender: female.
FESTIVAL_UTT - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
FestivalCaller - Class in marytts.modules
A link to the synthesis part of festival.
FestivalCaller() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient - Class in marytts.modules
FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient
FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient(String, int) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient
festivalDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
FFRTargetCostFunction - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
FFRTargetCostFunction() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
FFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
FFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter(double[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
FileRequestHandler - Class in marytts.server.http
Processor class for file http requests to Mary server
FileRequestHandler() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.FileRequestHandler
fileToHttpResponse(String, HttpResponse, String, boolean) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Write this node's data into the target object at pos, making sure that exactly len data are written.
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
fillData(Object, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Write this node's data into the target object at pos, making sure that exactly len data are written.
fillLeafs(Node, FeatureVector[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
Fill the FeatureVector leafs of a tree with the given feature vectors.
FilterEffectBase - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
FilterEffectBase() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
FilterEffectBase(double, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
FilterEffectBase(double, int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
FilterEffectBase(double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
FilterEffectBase(double, double, int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
FilterEffectBase(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
finish() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
finish() - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
finv(double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
firstPoint - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
firstVoice - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
fixDynFeatOnBoundaries() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
dynamic features must be 0.0f for the rightmost (and also leftmost?) parameter prior to optimization
FloatArrayDatagram - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Extension of Datagram to provide a float array instead of (actually alongside) a byte array
FloatArrayDatagram(long, float[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.FloatArrayDatagram
floats - Variable in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
frame - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
frames - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
freqt(double[], int, double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
freqt: frequency transformation
from - Variable in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
from - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
from() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The stream on which data is read from the external process.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum marytts.modules.acoustic.ModelType
fs - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect


gc2gc(double[], int, double, double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
gc2gc: generalized cepstral transformation
gender() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
gender() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
generateAllDotDescForWagon(PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Export this feature definition in the "all.desc" format which can be read by wagon.
generateAllDotDescForWagon(PrintWriter, Set<String>) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Export this feature definition in the "all.desc" format which can be read by wagon.
generateAudio(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
generateAudio(Document) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
generateAudioStream(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Generate audio to match the target pitchmarks as closely as possible.
generateAudioStream(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.FdpsolaUnitConcatenator
Generate audio to match the target pitchmarks as closely as possible.
generateAudioStream(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator
Generate audio to match the target pitchmarks as closely as possible.
generateAudioStream(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator
Generate audio to match the target pitchmarks as closely as possible.
generateFeatureWeightsFile(PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Print this feature definition plus weights to a .txt file
generateHTSModel(HMMData, FeatureDefinition, FeatureVector, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
creates a HTSModel (pre-HMM optimization vector data for all parameter streams of a given phoneme) given a feature vector compare with original code in the main loop of marytts.modules.HTSEngine#processTargetList()
generateParameters() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Stand alone testing using a TARGETFEATURES file as input.
generateText(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
generateText(Document) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
generateXML(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
generateXML(Document) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
genPulseFromFourierMag(HTSPStream, int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
genPulseFromFourierMag(double[], double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
Generate one pitch period from Fourier magnitudes
get(String) - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Look up a data type by name.
getAccentPosition(Element, NodeList, int, String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks if token receives an accent or not the information is contained in the accentposition part of rules in xml file the token attribute "accent" receives the value "tone","force"(force accent(Druckakzent)) or ""(no accent)
getAccentShape(Element, NodeList, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
determines accent types; tokens with accent="tone" will receive an accent type (f.e."L+H*"), accent="force" becomes "*" the relevant information is contained in the accentshape part of rules in xml file
getAcousticModels() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the acoustic models defined for this voice.
getAlgnph() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getAlgnst() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getAlignDurations() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Get all unit indices from all leaves below this node
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
Get all data in this leaf
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
Get all data in this leaf
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Get all the data at or below this node.
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
Get all data in this leaf
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getAllData() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Get all the data at or below this node.
getAllFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all feature processors.
getAllFeatureProcessorNamesAndValues() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names and values of all feature processors.
getAllModules() - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Provide a list containing all MaryModules instances.
getAllophone(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
getAllophone(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getAllophone(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
getAllophone() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
getAllophone() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getAllophoneSet(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
Get the allophone set for the given locale, or null if it cannot be retrieved.
getAllophoneSet() - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Access the allophone set underlying this phonemiser.
getAllophoneSet() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the allophone set associated with this voice.
getAllophoneSet() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
Determine whether this voice has the given name.
getAllophoneSetFor(Locale) - Method in class marytts.config.LanguageConfig
getAlpha() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getApplyTo() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
getAudio() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getAudio() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getAudio(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Build the audio stream from the units
getAudio(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.concat.UnitConcatenator
Build the audio stream from the units
getAudio() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
getAudioEffectDefaultParam(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getAudioEffectHelpText(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getAudioEffects() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAudioFileFormat() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getAudioFileFormat() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getAudioFileFormatTypes() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
List the available audio file format types, as a multi-line string.
getAudioFormat() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Provide the audio format which will be produced by this unit concatenator.
getAudioFormat() - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.concat.UnitConcatenator
Provide the audio format which will be produced by this unit concatenator.
getAudioTimeline() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
getAutoBoolean(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get or infer a boolean property from the underlying properties.
getAutoBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get or infer a boolean property from the underlying properties.
getAvailableInputTypes() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAvailableLocales() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAvailableOutputTypes() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAvailableUpdate() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
If this component has an available update, get that update.
getAvailableVoices() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAvailableVoices(Locale) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getAvailableVoices() - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the list of all available voices.
getAvailableVoices(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the list of all available voices for a given locale.
getAvailableVoices(WaveformSynthesizer) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the list of all available voices for a given waveform synthesizer.
getAvailableVoices(WaveformSynthesizer, Locale) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the list of all available voices for a given waveform synthesizer and locale.
getBestCandidatePairtoImposeF0(Element) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
Get best candidate pair to impose F0 contour on other
getBestMatchingCandidate(Element) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
get a best matching candidate for a given target
getBestMatchingCandidates(Element) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
get a array of best candidates sorted according to cost
getBestPath() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Gets the best path leading to this candidate
getBeta() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a boolean property from the underlying properties.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a boolean property from the underlying properties.
getBoundary(Element, NodeList, int, String, String, boolean, Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
checks if a boundary is to be inserted after the current token the information is contained in the boundaries part of rules in xml file
getBoundaryModel() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the boundary duration model for this voice.
getByteBufferAtTime(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
This method produces a new byte buffer whose current position represents the requested positionInFile.
getByteFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
An efficient way to access byte-valued features in this feature vector.
getByteFeatureNameArray() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get names of byte features
getByteValuedDiscreteFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
getByteValuedFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all byte-valued feature processors, separated by space characters.
getByteValuedFeatureProcessorNamesAndValues() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all byte-valued feature processors and their possible values.
getByteValuedFeatureProcessors() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
getCache() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Try to get the MaryCache object.
getCandidate() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Get the candidate of this path.
getCandidates(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnitDatabase
Preselect a set of candidates that could be used to realise the given target.
getCandidates(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
Preselect a set of candidates that could be used to realise the given target.
getCandidates() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Gets the candidates of this point
getCartTreeSet() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getCharSize() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.ProcHeader
Return the string length of the proc header.
getChild(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getChildren() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getCoeff(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Get a particular Mel-Cepstrum coefficient.
getCoeffs() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
getCoeffs(float, float) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the LPC coefficients, unquantized using the given lpc min and range values.
getCoeffs() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Get the array of Mel-Cepstrum coefficients.
getCoeffsAsDouble() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Get the array of Mel-Cepstrum coefficients.
getComponentTypeString() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getComponentTypeString() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.LanguageComponentDescription
getComponentTypeString() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
getConcatenationData() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
getConcatenator() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
Gets the unit concatenator of this voice
getConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getContent() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
getContent() - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
getContentLength() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
getContentLength() - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
getContinuousFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
An efficient way to access continuous features in this feature vector.
getContinuousFeatureNameArray() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get names of continuous features
getContinuousFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all byte-valued feature processors, separated by space characters.
getContinuousFeatureProcessorNamesAndValues() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all continuous feature processors and their possible values.
getContinuousFeatureProcessors() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
getContinuousFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
getContour(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
get an intonation contour
getCopyOfFeatureVectors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Return a shallow copy of the array of feature vectors.
getCorrelation() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
getCriterionValueAsByte() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
getCriterionValueAsFloat() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
getCriterionValueAsShort() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
getCriterionValueAsString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
getCriterionValueAsString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
getCriterionValueAsString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
getData() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getDatabase() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
Gets the database of this voice
getDatagram(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get a single datagram from a particular time location, given in the timeline's sampling rate.
getDatagram(long, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get a single datagram from a particular time location.
getDatagrams(long, long, int, long[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get the datagrams spanning a particular time range from a particular time location, and return the time offset between the time request and the actual location of the first returned datagram.
getDatagrams(long, long, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get the datagrams spanning a particular time range from a particular time location.
getDatagrams(long, long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get a given number of datagrams from a particular time location.
getDatagrams(long, int, int, long[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get a given number of datagrams from a particular time location, and return the time offset between the time request and the actual location of the first returned datagram.
getDatagrams(Unit, int, long[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get the datagrams spanning a particular unit, and return the time offset between the unit request and the actual location of the first returned datagram.
getDatagrams(Unit, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Get the datagrams spanning a particular unit.
getDatagramsBytePos() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Returns the position of the datagram zone in the original file.
getDatagramsFromTimeline(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
Get the raw audio material for each unit from the timeline.
getDatagramsFromTimeline(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator
Get the raw audio material for each unit from the timeline.
getDatagramsFromTimeline(List<SelectedUnit>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator
Get the raw audio material for each unit from the timeline.
getDataLength() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
getDataLength() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getDataTypes() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide a list of known data types, i.e.
getDataTypes() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getDaughter(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Get the daughter at the specified index
getDecisionNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getDecisionNodeIterator() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Return an iterator which returns all decision nodes in the tree exactly once.
getDecisionNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
A representation of the corresponding node iterator that can be used in extended for() statements.
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Get the decision node type
getDecisionNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Get the path leading to the daughter with the given index.
getDecisionPath(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
getDecisionPath() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getDecisionPath() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
getDefaultAudioEffects() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getDefaultEffects() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getDefaultEffects() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getDefaultStyle() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getDefaultStyle() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getDefaultVoice() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getDefaultVoice(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getDefaultVoice() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getDefaultVoiceExampleTexts() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getDefaultVoiceName() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getDependsLanguage() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
getDependsVersion() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
getDescription() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getDirectedGraphNodeIterator() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Return an iterator which returns all directed graph nodes in the tree exactly once.
getDirectedGraphNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
A representation of the corresponding node iterator that can be used in extended for() statements.
getDisplayPackageSize() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getDocument() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getDomain() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
Gets the domain of this voice
getDur(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getDuration() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration
getDuration(Datagram[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Get total duration of a Datagram array
getDurationFactors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
Get duration factors representing ratio of predicted and realized halfphone Unit durations.
getDurationFactorsFramewise() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
getDurationGraph() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getDurationModel() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the duration model for this voice.
getDurationScale() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getDurError() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getDWLeftBoundary(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getDWRightBoundary(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getEffect(String) - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffects
getEffects() - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffects
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentInWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentNextWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSyllableInWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSegmentInWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInPhraseNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastWordInSentenceNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSegmentNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSyllableNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSegmentNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSyllableNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSegmentNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSyllableNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSegmentNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSyllableNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevWordNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegmentNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableNavigator
getElement(Target) - Method in interface marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator
Given the target, retrieve an XML Element.
getElement(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNavigator
getExampleParameters() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getExampleParameters() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getExampleText(MaryDataType, Locale) - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Get an example text for the given type and the given locale.
getExampleText() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
getExampleText(String, Locale) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getF0CartsFeatDef() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
getF0Contour(NodeList, int) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.ProsodyElementHandler
To get a continuous pitch contour from nodelist of "ph" elements
getF0ContourFeatures() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getF0Factors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the F0 factor for each Datagram in this phone's left and right units
getF0Factors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
getF0Graph() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getF0Mean() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getF0Model() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the F0 model for this voice.
getF0Std() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getF0Trees() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
getFactorsIndex() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
getFallbackFeatureProcessorManager() - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Get the fallback feature processor manager which should be used if there is no voice- or locale-specific feature processor manager.
getFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
A uniform way to access features in this feature vector.
getFeature(Unit, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Get the string representation of the feature value associated with the given unit
getFeature(Unit, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Get the string representation of the feature value associated with the given unit
getFeature(Unit, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Get the string representation of the feature value associated with the given unit
getFeature(Unit, String) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Get the string representation of the feature value associated with the given unit
getFeatureAsInt(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
A wrapper to getFeature(), to get the result as an int value, e.g., for subsequent array indexing.
getFeatureAsString(int, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
A wrapper to getFeature(), to get the result as an String value, e.g., for subsequent System.out output.
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
Provide the feature definition that can be used to interpret the feature processors generated by this TargetFeatureComputer.
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Provide access to the Feature Definition used.
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Provide access to the Feature Definition used.
getFeatureDefinition() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
Get feature definition used to select suitable candidate
getFeatureFileReader(String) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Get a feature file reader representing the given feature file.
getFeatureIdx() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureComparator
Access the index of the currently compared feature.
getFeatureIndex() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
getFeatureIndex() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getFeatureIndex(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Translate between a feature name and a feature index.
getFeatureIndexArray(String[]) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Translate between an array of feature names and an array of feature indexes.
getFeatureName() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Get the name of the feature
getFeatureName(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Translate between a feature index and a feature name.
getFeatureName() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
getFeatureNameArray(int[]) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Translate between an array of feature indexes and an array of feature names.
getFeatureNameArray() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get names of all features
getFeatureNames() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
List all feature names, separated by white space, in their order of definition.
getFeatureProcessor(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
getFeatureProcessorManager(Voice) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Get the feature processor manager associated with the given voice, if any.
getFeatureProcessorManager(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Get the feature processor manager associated with the given locale, if any.
getFeatureSequence() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Get the feature sequence, as an information about the underlying tree structure.
getFeatureSet() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
return the set of FeatureTypes that are available in this HMMData object
getFeatureType(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
getFeatureValueAsByte(String, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its byte value.
getFeatureValueAsByte(int, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given index number, translate its String value to its byte value.
getFeatureValueAsShort(String, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its short value.
getFeatureValueAsShort(int, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its short value.
getFeatureValueAsString(int, int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given index number, translate its byte or short value to its String value.
getFeatureValueAsString(String, FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Simple access to string-based features.
getFeatureVector(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Get the unit feature vector for the given unit index number.
getFeatureVector(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Get the unit feature vector for the given unit.
getFeatureVector(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
getFeatureVector() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
getFeatureVector(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Look up the features for a given unit.
getFeatureVector() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getFeatureVector(Unit) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Get the target cost feature vector for the given unit.
getFeatureVectors(int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Get the feature vectors from the big array according to the given indices
getFeatureVectors() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
Get the feature vectors of this node
getFeatureVectors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
Return the internal array of feature vectors.
getFeatureVectors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
getFeatureVectors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
getFeatureVectors() - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Get all feature vectors.
getFeatureWeights() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
getFilename(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a filename property from the underlying properties.
getFilename(String, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a filename property from the underlying properties.
getFilename(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
For debugging, return the basename of the original audio file from which the unit is coming.
getFilenameAndTime(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
For debugging, return the basename of the original audio file from which the unit is coming, as well as the start time in that file.
getFirstUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Sentence
getFirstUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Syllable
getFloatData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
getFloatData() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FloatArrayDatagram
getForceAccent(Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Check whether token is enclosed by a <prosody> element containing an attribute force-accent.
getFperiod() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getFrame(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
getFrame() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Get the sinusoidal speech frame
getFrameDurations() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the durations (in seconds) of each Datagram in this phone's units
getFrameMidTimes() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
getFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
getFramewiseDurationFactors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the duration factors for this phone, one per datagram.
getFrom() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getFullAudioEffect(String, String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getFullEffectAsString() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getFullEffectAsString() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getFullEffectWithExampleParametersAsString() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getFullEffectWithExampleParametersAsString() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getGamma() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGender() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
getGVcovInvLf0() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVcovInvMag() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVcovInvMgc() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVcovInvStr() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVmeanLf0() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVmeanMag() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVmeanMgc() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGVmeanStr() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
getGvMethodGradient() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGVModelSet() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGvSwitch() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getGvWeightLf0() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGvWeightMag() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGvWeightMgc() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getGvWeightStr() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getHelpText() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.JetPilotEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
getHelpText() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
getHMMData() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
getHntmSpeechSignal(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMFeatureFileReader
get HntmSpeechSignal for a unit index
getHTSAudioFormat(HMMData) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
get the audio format produced by the hts vocoder
getId() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getIdxField(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
getIdxFieldBefore(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
Returns the index field that comes immediately before or straight on the requested time.
getIdxInterval() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
The interval, in samples, between two index entries.
getIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
getIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
The index object.
getInhDuration(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams
getInput() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest
getInputType() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getInputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
getInputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
getInputType() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
getInputType() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getInputTypes() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide the list of all registered data types that can be used as input.
getInputTypeStrings() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide the names of all registered data types that can be used as input.
getInstalledFileNames() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getIntData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
getInteger(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get an integer property from the underlying properties.
getInteger(String, int) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a property from the underlying properties.
getIntonationCoeffs(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
get an intonation polynomial coeffs
getJoinCostFunction() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
getLanguageConfig(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getLanguageConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getLanguageDescriptions() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallFileParser
getLastUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Sentence
getLastUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Syllable
getLeafNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getLeafNodeIterator() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Return an iterator which returns all leaf nodes in the tree exactly once.
getLeafNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
A representation of the corresponding node iterator that can be used in extended for() statements.
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
The type of this leaf node.
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getLeafNodeType() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode
getLeftContextFrame() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData
getLeftDurationFactor() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the factor to convert this phone's left unit's duration into this phone's left target duration
getLeftF0Factors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the factors to convert each of the F0 values in this phone's left half to the corresponding target value
getLeftJCF(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Gets the array of left join cost features for a particular unit index.
getLeftTarget() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the left halfphone target of this phone
getLeftTargetDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's left target's duration (in seconds)
getLeftTargetF0Values() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the target F0 values for this phone's left half, with one value per Datagram in the phone's left unit
getLeftUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the left selected halfphone unit of this phone
getLeftUnitData() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's left unit's UnitData
getLeftUnitDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's left unit's duration (in seconds)
getLeftUnitFrameDurations() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the durations (in seconds) of each Datagram in this phone's left unit
getLeftUnitFrameF0s() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Recover the F0 values from this phone's left unit's Datagrams
getLeftUnitFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's left unit's Datagrams
getLeftWeights() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
getLength() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Get the total number of features in this feature vector.
getLength() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getLength() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Get the length, in bytes, of the datagram's data field.
getLength() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the length, in bytes, of the datagram's data field.
getLength() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Get the length, in bytes, of the datagram's data field.
getLf0Frame() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getLf0Mean(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getlf0Pst() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
getLf0Stream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getLf0Variance(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getLF0VectorSize() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get vector size of LF0 features
getLicense(URL) - Static method in class marytts.tools.install.LicenseRegistry
For the license identified by the given URL, return the URL of a local file providing the same content as the given URL.
getLicenseURL() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getList(String) - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
For the given property name, return the value of that property as a list of items (interpreting the property value as a space-separated list).
getList(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
getListTargetFeatures(TargetFeatureComputer, List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
Return directly the targets, and set in each target its feature vector
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.config.VoiceConfig
The voice's locale.
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
Get the locale for this feature processor manager.
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
getLocale() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
The locale of this module, i.e.
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getLocale() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
getLocale(Document) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Try to determine the locale of a document by looking at the xml:lang attribute of the document element.
getLocales() - Method in class marytts.config.LanguageConfig
getLocales() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getLocations() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getLPCMin() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
getLPCOrder() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
getLPCRange() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
getMagMean(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMagPst() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
getMagVariance(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMagVsize() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getMainConfig() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getMappedByteBufferAtTime(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
getMaryVersion() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getMaryXmlDur() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMaryXMLElement() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
get the MaryXML Element corresponding to this Phone's Target
getMaryxmlElement() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
getMaryxmlElement() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getMaryXmlF0() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMaxLf0GvIter() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getMaxMagGvIter() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getMaxMgcGvIter() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getMaxStrGvIter() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getMcepMean(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMcepPst() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
getMcepVariance(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMcepVsize() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getMean() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
getMean() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getMean(HMMData.FeatureType, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getMeanContour(FeatureFileReader, int[]) - Method in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
getMGCVectorSize() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get vector size of MGC features
getMimeType(AudioFileFormat.Type) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
getMinDuration(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams
getMixFilters() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getModificationConcatenator() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
Get the modification UnitConcatenator of this voice
getModule(Class<?>) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Find an active module by its class.
getMostProbableString(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
getMostProbableString(Target) - Method in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
getMother() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
Get a mother node of this node.
getMother() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Get the mother node of this node
getMothers() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getMP3AudioFormat() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getName() - Method in class marytts.config.VoiceConfig
The voice's name.
getName() - Method in interface marytts.features.MaryFeatureProcessor
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PosInSyl
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
getName() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
getName() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Return the name of this voice.
getName() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.JetPilotEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
getName() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getName() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getNamespace() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
getNewStateDurationFactor() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getNext() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Gets the next candidate in the queue
getNext() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Get the next path
getNext() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Gets the next point in the queue
getNextDatagram(ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmTimelineReader
Read and return the upcoming datagram from the given byte buffer.
getNextDatagram(ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
Read and return the upcoming datagram.
getNextDatagram(ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepTimelineReader
Read and return the upcoming datagram.
getNextDatagram(ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Read and return the upcoming datagram from the given byte buffer.
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
Select a daughter node according to the value in the given target
getNextNode(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getNextRequest() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
getNextUnit(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Return the unit following the given unit in the original database.
getNextUnit(VocalizationUnit) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Return the unit following the given unit in the original database.
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryFloatDecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryShortDecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ByteDecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeDefinition() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.ShortDecisionNode
Gets the String that defines the decision done in the node
getNodeIndex() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
Get the index of this node in the mother returned by getMother().
getNodeIndex(Node) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
Return this node's index in the given mother's array of daughters.
getNodeIndex() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Get the index of this node in the mother's array of daughters
getNodeIterator() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Return an iterator which returns all nodes in the tree exactly once.
getNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
A representation of the corresponding node iterator that can be used in extended for() statements.
getNumberOfByteFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the number of byte features.
getNumberOfByteFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
The number of byte features in this feature vector.
getNumberOfContinuousFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the number of continuous features.
getNumberOfContinuousFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
The number of continuous features in this feature vector.
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Count all the data available at and below this node.
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getNumberOfData() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Count all the data available at and below this node.
getNumberOfDaugthers() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Number of daughters of current node.
getNumberOfFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the total number of features.
getNumberOfFeatures() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Get the number of feature weights and weighting functions.
getNumberOfFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the number of Datagrams in this phone's left and right units
getNumberOfLeaves() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Get the number of leaves.
getNumberOfLeftUnitFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the number of Datagrams in this phone's left unit
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Count all the nodes at and below this node.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Count all the nodes at and below this node.
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Count all the nodes at and below this node.
getNumberOfPitchmarks() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
getNumberOfRightUnitFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the number of Datagrams in this phone's right unit
getNumberOfShortFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the number of short features.
getNumberOfShortFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
The number of short features in this feature vector.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SCostFileReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Get the number of units.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
Get the number of units.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMFeatureFileReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfUnits() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Get the number of units in the file.
getNumberOfValues(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the number of possible values for the feature with the given index number.
getNumChildren() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getNumDatagrams() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Returns the number of datagrams in the timeline.
getNumFilters() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getNumIdx() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
The number of index entries.
getNumModel() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getNumNodes() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Get the number of nodes in this CART
getNumState() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getNumStates() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getNumUttModel() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getNumVoiced() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getOggAudioFormat() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getOptimizedEffectOrdering() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
getOrder() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getOrder() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepTimelineReader
getOrderFilters() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getOtherModels() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Return any "other" acoustic models that we have.
getOutput() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest
getOutputData() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Direct access to the output data.
getOutputParams() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getOutputType() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getOutputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
getOutputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
getOutputType() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
getOutputType() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getOutputTypeParams() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getOutputTypes() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide the list of all registered data types that can be used as output.
getOutputTypeStrings() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Provide the names of all registered data types that can be used as output.
getPackageFilename() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getPackageMD5Sum() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getPackageSize() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getPar(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getParams() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataTypeWithParams
getParamsAsString() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getParamsAsString(boolean) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
getParamsAsString() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getParamsAsString(boolean) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
getParVec(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getPassword() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.PasswordPanel
getPaths() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Gets the sorted set containting the paths of the candidates of this point, sorted by score.
getPauseSymbol() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
getPauseSymbol() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
Get the pause symbol as associated with the "phone" feature processor used.
getPdfDurStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfLf0GVStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfLf0Stream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfMagGVStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfMagStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfMgcGVStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfMgcStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfStrGVStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPdfStrStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getPeriodLength(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
Get the length of the pitch period ending with pitchmark with the index number periodIndex.
getPhoneme() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration
getPhonemeAlignmentForDurations() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getPhoneName() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getPhones() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
Get the List of Phones
getPhoneSymbol(Element) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
getPitchmark(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
Get the pitchmark marking the end of the period with the index number periodIndex.
getPitchmarks() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
getPlainText() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getPossibleValues(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the list of possible String values for the feature with the given index number.
getPredictedDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the predicted duration of this phone (which is the sum of the left and right target's duration)
getPredictedF0() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the mean target F0 for this phone
getPredictFrom() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
getPreferredModulesAcceptingType(MaryDataType) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getPreferredModulesForInputType(MaryDataType) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Provide a list containing preferred modules for the specified input type
getPrevious() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Get the previous path
getPreviousUnit(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Return the unit preceding the given unit in the original database.
getPreviousUnit(VocalizationUnit) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Return the unit preceding the given unit in the original database.
getPriority(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.prosody.POSAccentPriorities
Provide the priority of a part-of-speech for getting an accent.
getProcess() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Get the process object representing the external module program.
getProcess() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
getProcHeaderContents() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Return the content of the processing header as a String.
getProgress() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getProperties() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Get the properties object associated with this tree, or null if there is no such object.
getProperties() - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getPropertiesAccessor(boolean) - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
Convenience access to this config's properties.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
Get the given property.
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a property from the underlying config files.
getProperty(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a property from the underlying properties.
getProxyHost() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ProxyPanel
getProxyPort() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ProxyPanel
getQuantizedCoeffs() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the quantized lpc coefficients
getQuantizedResidual() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the quantized residual.
getRate() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getRealisedAcoustParams() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getRealisedDurations() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getRealizedDatagrams(List<Phone>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.FdpsolaUnitConcatenator
getRealizedDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the realized duration (in seconds) of this phone (which is the sum of the durations of the left and right units)
getRealizedF0() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the realized F0 by recovering the F0 from all Datagrams in this phone and computing the mean
getRealizedFrameDurations() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the durations (in seconds) of each Datagram in this phone's left and right units
getRealizedPhones() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
Get the List of Phones that have a predicted duration greater than zero
getRealizedRightContexts(List<Phone>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.FdpsolaUnitConcatenator
getRegistrationComplete() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Determine whether or not the registration is complete.
getRegistrationComplete() - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Determine whether or not the registration is complete.
getResidual() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the unquantized residual
getRho() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getRightContextFrame() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
getRightContextFrame() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData
getRightDurationFactor() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the factor to convert this phone's right unit's duration into this phone's right target duration
getRightF0Factors() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the factors to convert each of the F0 values in this phone's right half to the corresponding target value
getRightJCF(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Gets the array of right join cost features for a particular unit index.
getRightTarget() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the right halfphone target of this phone
getRightTargetDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's right target's duration (in seconds)
getRightTargetF0Values() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the target F0 values for this phone's right half, with one value per Datagram in the phone's right unit
getRightUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the right selected halfphone unit of this phone
getRightUnitData() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's right unit's UnitData
getRightUnitDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's right unit's duration (in seconds)
getRightUnitFrameDurations() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the durations (in seconds) of each Datagram in this phone's right unit
getRightUnitFrameF0s() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Recover the F0 values from this phone's right unit's Datagrams
getRightUnitFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get this phone's right unit's Datagrams
getRightWeights() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
getRMSE() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
getRootNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Get the root node of this CART
getRootNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
getRootTagname() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
getSampleRate() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Returns the timeline's sample rate.
getSampleRate() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Get the sample rate of the file.
getSampleRate() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Get the sample rate of the file.
getSamples(Datagram[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.HnmVoiceDataDumper
Get raw samples from all Datagrams in an array
getSamples(Datagram[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Get raw samples from all Datagrams in an array
getScore() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Get the score of this path
getSCost(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SCostFileReader
Get sCost for a unit index
getSCostFunction() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
getSelectedUnits() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
Collect and return the best path, as a List of SelectedUnit objects.
getSentenceType(NodeList) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
determination of sentence type values: decl, excl, interrog, interrogYN or interrogW
getServerAddressAtClient(String) - Method in class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
getShortFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
An efficient way to access short-valued features in this feature vector.
getShortFeatureNameArray() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get names of short features
getShortValuedDiscreteFeatures() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
getShortValuedFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all short-valued feature processors, separated by space characters.
getShortValuedFeatureProcessorNamesAndValues() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
List the names of all short-valued feature processors and their possible values.
getShortValuedFeatureProcessors() - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
getSimilarity(int, byte, byte) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
To get a similarity between two feature values
getSkipSizeInSeconds() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
getSourceUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.SourceTargetPair
getSptkMfcc() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Calculate mfcc using SPTK, uses sox to convert wav→raw
getSptkSnackLf0() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Calculate mfcc using SPTK, uses sox to convert wav→raw
getStage() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getState() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
getState() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
getState() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
Inform about the state of this module.
getStateAlignmentForDurations() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getStatus() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getStDeviation() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
getStream(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
For the named property, attempt to get an open input stream.
getStreamAudio() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
getString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.ProcHeader
Get the string content of the proc header.
getStrMean(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getStrPst() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
getStrVariance(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getSTRVectorSize() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get vector size of strength features
getStrVsize() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getStyle() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getStyles() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get any styles supported by this voice.
getStyles(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
For the voice with the given name, return the list of styles supported by this voice, if any, one style per line.
getSuitableVoice(MaryData) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getsUnconditionalAccent(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.prosody.POSAccentPriorities
Determine whether a part-of-speech always gets an accent.
getSupportedLocales() - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
getSwitchGVStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getSyllableNucleusIndex() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Syllable
Seek for the syllable nucleus (with feature "ph_vc" == "+") from first to last unit; if none is found, return the last unit in the syllable
getT() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getTarget() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
getTarget() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Gets the target of this candidate
getTarget() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Gets the target of this point
getTargetAttributeName() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
getTargetCost() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Calculates and returns the target cost for this candidate
getTargetCostFunction() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
getTargetDurationInSeconds() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
getTargetDurationInSeconds() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getTargetF0InHz() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
getTargetF0Values() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get the target F0 values for this phone, with one value per Datagram in the phone's left and right units
getTargetFeatureComputer(FeatureProcessorManager, String) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Obtain a TargetFeatureComputer that knows how to compute features for a Target using the given set of feature processor names.
getTargetFeatureComputer(Locale, String) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Convenience method for getting a suitable target feature computer for the given locale and list of features.
getTargetFeatureComputer(Voice, String) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Convenience method for getting a suitable target feature computer for the given voice and list of features.
getTargets(List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
For a list of PHONE elements, return a list of Targets, where each Target is constructed from the corresponding Element.
getTargets(Scanner, HMMData) - Static method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
getTargetsFromFile(String, HMMData) - Static method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
Reads the Label file, the file which contains the Mary context features, creates an scanner object and calls getTargets
getTargetsFromText(String, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
Creates a scanner object with the Mary context features contained in Labtext and calls getTargets
getTargetUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.SourceTargetPair
getTheoreticalNumberOfLeaves(int[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Get the theoretical number of leaves, given a feature sequence.
getTimeLimit() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
getTo() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
getTotalDur() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getTotalDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Return the total duration of all data in this timeline.
getTotalDurMillisec() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getTotalFrame() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getTraits() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
getTree() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Get the tree
getTreeDurStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getTreeLf0Stream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getTreeMagStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getTreeMgcStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getTreeStrStream() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getType() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
getUniqueDecisionNodeId() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
getUniqueGraphNodeID() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
getUniqueLeafId() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
getUnit(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Return the unit number i.
getUnit(int[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Return an array of units from their indexes.
getUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
getUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Gets the index of this
getUnit(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Return the unit number i.
getUnit(int[]) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Return an array of units from their indexes.
getUnitDataFrames() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Get all Datagrams in this phone's units
getUnitDuration() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
Get the realised duration of this unit, in samples
getUnitFeatures(Unit) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Look up the features for a given unit.
getUnitFileReader() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
getUnitFrameF0s() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Recover the F0 values from each Datagram in this phone's left and right units
getUnitIndex() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Get the index of the unit to which the current feature vector applies.
getUnitIndexes() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureFileIndexingResult
getUnitLF0(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get array of logf0 features
getUnitMGCs(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get double array of MGC features
getUnitNames() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
getUnits() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
getUnitSelector() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
Gets the unit selector of this voice
getUnitStrengths(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get double array of strength features
getUseAcousticModels() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUseContextDependentGV() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUseFourierMag() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUseGV() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUseLogGain() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUseMixExc() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getUser() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.PasswordPanel
getUttModel(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
getUV() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
getValidating() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getValues() - Method in interface marytts.features.ByteValuedFeatureProcessor
List the possible values of the feature processor, as clear-text values.
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
"4" for a big break, "3" for a break; "1" = word-final; "0" = within-word
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
getValues() - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
getValues() - Method in interface marytts.features.ShortValuedFeatureProcessor
List the possible values of the feature processor, as clear-text values.
getVariance() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getVariance(HMMData.FeatureType, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
getVectorSize() - Method in class marytts.cart.io.HTSCARTReader
getVectorSize() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getVersion() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
getVersion() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
getVocalizations(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
For the voice with the given name, return the list of vocalizations supported by this voice, one vocalization per line.
getVocalizationSynthesizer() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getVoice() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
getVoice(String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Get the voice with the given name, or null if there is no voice with that name.
getVoice(Locale, Voice.Gender) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getVoice(Element) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
getVoiceConfig(String) - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
Get the voice config for the given voice name, or null if there is no such voice config.
getVoiceConfigs() - Static method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
getVoiced(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
whether state i is voiced or not
getVoicedArray() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
getVoiceDescriptions() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallFileParser
getVoicedFrames(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
get boolean array of voiced frame information: true, if voiced; false if unvoiced;
getVoicedWeight() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
getVoiceExampleText(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getVoiceName() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
getVoices() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
getVoicings(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
getVsize(HMMData.FeatureType) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
getVsize() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
getWarnClient() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
getWarnClient() - Method in class marytts.modules.APMLParser
getWarnClient() - Method in class marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser
getWarnClient() - Method in class marytts.modules.SableParser
getWarnClient() - Method in class marytts.modules.SSMLParser
getWeight(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
For the feature with the given index, return the weight.
getWeightFunc() - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunctionManager
Accessor for the hash map mapping names to interface instances.
getWeightFunction(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunctionManager
Returns the weighting function from its name.
getWeightFunctionName(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Get the name of any weighting function associated with the given feature index.
getWindowSizeInSeconds() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
gnorm(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
ignorm: gain normalization
GVModelSet - Class in marytts.htsengine
Set of Global Mean and (diagonal) Variance for log f0, mel-cepstrum, bandpass voicing strengths and Fourier magnitudes ( Java port and extension of HTS engine API version 1.04 Extension: mixed excitation
GVModelSet() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet


HALFPHONE_TARGETFEATURES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter(double[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
halfphoneLRFeatureIndex - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
HalfPhoneTarget - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
HalfPhoneTarget(String, Element, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneTarget
Create a target associated to the given segment item.
HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister - Class in marytts.modules
HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister
HalfPhoneUnitSelector - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
HalfPhoneUnitSelector() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneUnitSelector
Initialise the unit selector.
handle(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext) - Method in class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
The entry point of all HttpRequestHandlers.
handle(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext) - Method in class marytts.server.http.FileRequestHandler
The entry point of all HttpRequestHandlers.
handleClientRequest(String, Map<String, String>, HttpResponse, Address) - Method in class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
handleClientRequest(String, Map<String, String>, HttpResponse, Address) - Method in class marytts.server.http.FileRequestHandler
handleClientRequest(String, Map<String, String>, HttpResponse, Address) - Method in class marytts.server.http.InfoRequestHandler
handleClientRequest(String, Map<String, String>, HttpResponse, Address) - Method in class marytts.server.http.SynthesisRequestHandler
hasFeature(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Indicate whether the feature definition contains the feature with the given name
hasFeatureValue(String, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Query a feature as identified by the given featureName as to whether the given featureValue is a known value of that feature.
hasFeatureValue(int, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Query a feature as identified by the given featureIndex as to whether the given featureValue is a known value of that feature.
hasFeatureVector() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
hashCode() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
inspired by http://www.artima.com/lejava/articles/equality.html
hashCode() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
hasMoreData() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
Whether or not any more data can be read from this data source.
hasMoreDaughters(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Tests, if the given index refers to a daughter
hasName(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
hasNext() - Method in class marytts.cart.NodeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SentenceIterator
hasNext() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SyllableIterator
hasSimilarityMatrix(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
true, if given feature index contains similarity matrix
hasSimilarityMatrix(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
true, if given feature name contains similarity matrix
hasVocalizationSupport() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
haveCache() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Indicate whether there is a MaryCache currently available.
haveWaitingRequests() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
hdr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
HIGHPASS_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
HMMData - Class in marytts.htsengine
Configuration files and global variables for HTS engine.
HMMData() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
HMMData.FeatureType - Enum in marytts.htsengine
HMMData.PdfFileFormat - Enum in marytts.htsengine
HMMDurationF0Modeller - Class in marytts.modules
HMMDurationF0Modeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
HMMDurationF0Modeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
HMMDurationScaleEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
HMMDurationScaleEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
HMMF0AddEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
HMMF0AddEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
HmmF0Generation(HTSUttModel, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
Generate F0 values for voiced frames out of HMMs
HMMF0ScaleEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
HMMF0ScaleEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
HMMModel - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
Model for predicting duration and F0 from HMMs
HMMModel(FeatureProcessorManager, String, InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
Model constructor
HMMSynthesizer - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
HTS-HMM synthesiser.
HMMSynthesizer() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.HMMSynthesizer
HMMVoice - Class in marytts.htsengine
HMMVoice(String, WaveformSynthesizer) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
HnmDatagram - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
A datagram that encapsulates a harmonics plus noise modelled speech frame
HnmDatagram(long, HntmSpeechFrame) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Construct a HNM datagram.
HnmDatagram(RandomAccessFile, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a random access file.
HnmDatagram(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a byte buffer.
HNMFeatureFileReader - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Reads a single file which contains HNM analysis features of vocalizations
HNMFeatureFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.HNMFeatureFileReader
Create a feature file reader from the given HNM feature file
HNMSynthesisTechnology - Class in marytts.vocalizations
HNM Synthesis technology to synthesize vocalizations
HNMSynthesisTechnology(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
HNMSynthesisTechnology(TimelineReader, VocalizationUnitFileReader, HNMFeatureFileReader, VocalizationIntonationReader, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
HnmTimelineReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
A reader class for the harmonics plus noise timeline file.
HnmTimelineReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmTimelineReader
HnmUnitConcatenator - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
A unit concatenator for harmonics plus noise based speech synthesis
HnmUnitConcatenator() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator
HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData
HnmVoiceDataDumper - Class in marytts.unitselection.analysis
Convenience class to dump relevant data from a HNM unit selection voice to a Praat TextGrid and a wav file for inspection of timeline data in external tools (e.g.
HnmVoiceDataDumper() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.analysis.HnmVoiceDataDumper
hopToTime(ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Hop the datagrams in the given byte buffer until the one which begins at or contains the desired time (time is in samples; the sample rate is assumed to be that of the timeline).
HTS_NUMMTYPE - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
Number of model and identificator for the models
HTSCARTReader - Class in marytts.cart.io
Reader functions for CARTs in HTS format
HTSCARTReader() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.HTSCARTReader
HTSCONTEXT - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
htsData - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
HTSEngine - Class in marytts.modules
HTSEngine: a compact HMM-based speech synthesis engine.
HTSEngine() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
HTSEngineTest - Class in marytts.htsengine
Several functions for running the htsEngine or other components stand alone
HTSEngineTest() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration - Class in marytts.htsengine
HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration(String, float) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration
htsMaximumLikelihoodParameterGeneration(HTSUttModel, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
HTS maximum likelihood parameter generation
htsMLSAVocoder(HTSParameterGeneration, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
HTS_MLSA_Vocoder: Synthesis of speech out of mel-cepstral coefficients.
htsMLSAVocoder(HTSPStream, HTSPStream, HTSPStream, HTSPStream, boolean[], HMMData, HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
htsMLSAVocoderCommand(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
Stand alone vocoder reading parameters from files in SPTK format, parameters in args[] array in the following order:
HTSModel - Class in marytts.htsengine
HMM model for a particular phone (or line in context feature file) This model is the unit when building a utterance model sequence.
HTSModel(int) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
HTSParameterGeneration - Class in marytts.htsengine
Parameter generation out of trained HMMs.
HTSParameterGeneration() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
HTSPStream - Class in marytts.htsengine
Data type and procedures used in parameter generation.
HTSPStream(int, int, HMMData.FeatureType, int) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
HTSUttModel - Class in marytts.htsengine
list of Model objects for current utterance.
HTSUttModel() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
HTSVocoder - Class in marytts.htsengine
Synthesis of speech out of speech parameters.
HTSVocoder() - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer - Class in marytts.htsengine
HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer(int, HTSParameterGeneration, HMMData) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer


id - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
idx - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
ignorePattern - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
A regular expression describing what to be ignored in the external module's standard error output.
ignorm(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
ignorm: inverse gain normalization
imposePolynomialContour - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
incrTotalDur(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
index - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
Index position of this unit in the unit file.
InfoRequestHandler - Class in marytts.server.http
Processor class for information http requests to Mary server
InfoRequestHandler() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.InfoRequestHandler
INFTY - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
INFTY2 - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
init() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
init(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
init(String) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFunction
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
init(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
init(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
init(String) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalCostFunction
Initialise this scost cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
init(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
Initialise this scost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
initHMMData(PropertiesAccessor, String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
initHMMData(String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
Reads from configuration file all the data files in this class this method is used when running HTSengine stand alone.
initHMMData(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
initHMMDataForHMMModel(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
Reads from configuration file tree and pdf data for duration and f0 this method is used by HMMModel
initialise() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
initialise() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
inputData - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
inputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
inputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
inputType() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
inputType - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
insertAudio(String, String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Insert a record of a MARY request producing data of output type AUDIO into the cache.
insertAudio(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Insert a record of a MARY request producing data of output type AUDIO into the cache.
insertBoundary(Element, String, int) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Insert a boundary after token, with the given tone and breakindex.
insertMajorBoundary(NodeList, int, Element, String, int) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Insert a major boundary after token number i in tokens.
insertPhraseNode(Element, Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Inserte a phrase element, enclosing the first and last element, into the tree.
insertText(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Insert a record of a MARY request producing data of type text into the cache.
insertText(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Insert a record of a MARY request producing data of type text into the cache.
install(boolean) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Install this component, if the user accepts the license.
InstallerGUI - Class in marytts.tools.install
InstallerGUI() - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
Creates new form InstallerGUI
InstallerGUI(String) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
Creates new installer gui and fills it with content from the given URL.
installerNamespaceURI - Static variable in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
InstallFileParser - Class in marytts.tools.install
InstallFileParser(URL) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.InstallFileParser
installSelectedLanguagesAndVoices() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
instantiateModule(String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
From the given module init info, instantiate a new mary module.
instantiateObject(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Instantiate an object by calling one of its constructors.
interceptTerm - Variable in class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS
InternalModule - Class in marytts.modules
A stub implementation of the MaryModule interface as a basis for internal modules.
InternalModule(String, MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.InternalModule
InterpolatingSynthesizer - Class in marytts.unitselection.interpolation
InterpolatingSynthesizer() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingSynthesizer
InterpolatingVoice - Class in marytts.unitselection.interpolation
InterpolatingVoice(InterpolatingSynthesizer, String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
interpret(Target, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.CART
Passes the given item through this CART and returns the interpretation.
interpret(Target) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
interpret(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Walk down the graph as far as possible according to the features in fv, and return the data in the leaf node found there.
interpret(Node, FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Follow the directed graph down to the most specific leaf with data, starting from node n.
interpret(Target) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
interpretToNode(Target, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.CART
Passes the given item through this CART and returns the leaf Node, or the Node it stopped walking down.
interpretToNode(FeatureVector, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.CART
Passes the given item through this CART and returns the leaf Node, or the Node it stopped walking down.
interpretToNode(FeatureVector, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
TODO: copied from CART, does not work as expected with minNumberOfData = 0 Passes the given item through this CART and returns the leaf Node, or the Node it stopped walking down.
intEventDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
INTONATION - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
INVINF - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
INVINF2 - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
IPERIOD - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
IRLENG - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
isAudioType(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
isByteFeature(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given name is a byte feature.
isByteFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a byte feature.
isByteFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Test whether the feature with the given index number is a byte feature.
isContinuousFeature(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given name is a continuous feature.
isContinuousFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a continuous feature.
isContinuousFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Test whether the feature with the given index number is a continuous feature.
isDecisionNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
isDecisionNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
isDirectedGraphNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
isDirectedGraphNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
isEdgeUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
isEdgeUnit() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
Determine whether the unit is an "edge" unit, i.e.
isEdgeUnit(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Determine whether the unit number i is an "edge" unit, i.e.
isEdgeUnit(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Determine whether the unit number i is an "edge" unit, i.e.
isEdgeVector(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Is this an edge vector?
isEffectAvailable(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
isEmpty() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
isEmpty() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
isEmpty() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
isEmpty() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Indicate whether the leaf node has no meaningful data.
isEmpty() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
isHmmAudioEffect(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
isHMMEffect() - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
isHMMEffect() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
isInputType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
isInterpolatingVoiceName(String) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingVoice
isLanguageConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.LanguageConfig
isLanguageConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
isLeaf() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
isLeafNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
isLeafNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
isLeftHalf - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneTarget
isLeftHalf() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneTarget
Is this target the left half of a phone?
isMainConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.MainConfig
isMainConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
isMaryXML() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
isMaryXML() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType.Traits
isNode() - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
isOutputType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
isPosPunctuation(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Based on the regex compiled in JPhonemiser.setPunctuationPosRegex(), determine whether a given POS string is classified as punctuation
isPunctuation(Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Verify whether a given token is a punctuation.
isReady() - Method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServer
isRepeatable() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
isRepeatable() - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
isRightHalf() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneTarget
Is this target the right half of a phone?
isRoot - Variable in class marytts.cart.Node
isRoot() - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Get the setting of isRoot
isSchemaValid(Document) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Verify whether a given document is valid in the sense of Schema XML validation.
isSelected() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
isShortFeature(String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given name is a short feature.
isShortFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a short feature.
isShortFeature(int) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Test whether the feature with the given index number is a short feature.
isSilence() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
Determine whether this target is a silence target
isSilence - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
isSilence() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
Determine whether this target is a silence target
isStreaming() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
isStreaming() - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
isStreamingAudio() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
isSynthesisConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
isSynthesisConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.SynthesisConfig
isTextType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
isTextType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType.Traits
isTextType(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
isTransient() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Determine whether this is a transient phone (i.e.
isUnpronounceable(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
isUpdateAvailable() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Inform whether an update is available for this component.
isUpdateOf(ComponentDescription) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
This is an update of other if and only if the following is true: Both components have the same type (as identified by the class) and name; other has status INSTALLED; our version number is higher than other's version number.
isUtterances() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType.Traits
isVersionNewerThan(String, String) - Static method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Determine whether oneVersion is newer than otherVersion.
isVoiceConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.MaryConfig
isVoiceConfig() - Method in class marytts.config.VoiceConfig
isVoiced() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Determine whether this is a voiced phone
isXMLType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
isXMLType() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType.Traits
isXMLType(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
iterator() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Sentence


jcr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
JetPilotEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
JetPilotEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.JetPilotEffect
JetPilotEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.JetPilotEffect
JoinCostFeatures - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
JoinCostFeatures() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Empty constructor; when using this, call load() separately to initialise this class.
JoinCostFeatures(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Constructor which read a Mary Join Cost file.
JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter(double[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter
joinCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
JoinCostFunction - Interface in marytts.unitselection.select
A join cost function for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of a given pair of left and right unit.
joinCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
JoinModelCost - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
JoinModelCost() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
Empty constructor; when using this, call load() separately to initialise this class.
JPhonemiser - Class in marytts.modules
The phonemiser module -- java implementation.
JPhonemiser(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
JPhonemiser(String, MaryDataType, MaryDataType, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
JPhonemiser(String, MaryDataType, MaryDataType, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
JTokeniser - Class in marytts.modules
JTokeniser() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
JTokeniser(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
JTokeniser(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
JTokeniser(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.JTokeniser


KlattDurationModeller - Class in marytts.modules
The calculation of acoustic parameters module.
KlattDurationModeller(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller
KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams - Class in marytts.modules
KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller.KlattDurationParams
KMeansClusterer - Class in marytts.vocalizations
KMeansClusterer() - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.KMeansClusterer


LanguageComponentDescription - Class in marytts.tools.install
LanguageComponentDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.LanguageComponentDescription
LanguageComponentDescription(Element) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.LanguageComponentDescription
LanguageConfig - Class in marytts.config
LanguageConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.config.LanguageConfig
LanguagePanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
LanguagePanel(LanguageComponentDescription) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.LanguagePanel
Creates new form LanguagePanel
lastDaughter - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
lastPoint - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
LEAFNODE - Static variable in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
Bit code for identifying a node id as a leaf node id in binary DirectedGraph files
LeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
The leaf of a CART.
LeafNode() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Create a new LeafNode.
LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode(FeatureVector[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
Build a new leaf node containing the given feature vectors
LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
Build a new, empty leaf node to be filled with vectors later
LeafNode.FloatLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
A leaf class that is suitable for regression trees.
LeafNode.FloatLeafNode(float[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode(int[], float[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
An LeafNode class suitable for representing the leaves of classification trees -- the leaf is a collection of items identified by an index number.
LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode(int[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
LeafNode.LeafType - Enum in marytts.cart
LeafNode.PdfLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
A leaf class that is suitable for regression trees.
LeafNode.PdfLeafNode(int, double[][]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode - Class in marytts.cart
LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode(int[], float[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode
left - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
left - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
left - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
leftCart - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
leftContextFrame - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData
leftSop - Variable in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
leftWeightFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
leftWeights - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
leftWeights - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
level - Variable in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureFileIndexingResult
lexicon - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
lexiconLookup(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Look a given text up in the (standard) lexicon.
LicensePanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
LicensePanel(URL, SortedSet<ComponentDescription>) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.LicensePanel
Creates new form LicensePanel
LicenseRegistry - Class in marytts.tools.install
A central book-keeping place for the licenses referenced by installable components.
LicenseRegistry() - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.LicenseRegistry
listAvailableVocalizations() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
List the possible vocalization names that are available for the given voice.
listByteValuedFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
listContinuousFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
listFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
Provide a space-separated list of the feature names for all the feature processors known to this feature processor manager.
listMap - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
listShortValuedFeatureProcessorNames() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
listTargetFeatures(TargetFeatureComputer, List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
For the given elements and using the given feature computer, create a string representation of the target features.
load(String, FeatureDefinition, String[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.FeatureVectorCART
load(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
Load the directed graph from the given file
load(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphReader
Load the directed graph from the given file
load(int, InputStream, InputStream, HMMData.PdfFileFormat, FeatureDefinition, PhoneTranslator) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.HTSCARTReader
Load the cart from the given file
load(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTReader
Load the cart from the given file
load(BufferedReader, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
This loads a cart from a wagon tree in textual format, from a reader.
load(String, FeatureDefinition, String[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
Load the cart from the given file
load(String) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
load() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Try to load this model and set the target feature computer appropriately.
load(UnitDatabase) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
load(UnitDatabase) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.concat.UnitConcatenator
Initialise the unit concatenator from the database.
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmTimelineReader
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepTimelineReader
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SCostFileReader
Load the given unit file
load(DataInput) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
Method which loads an index from a data input (random access file or data input stream).
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Load a timeline from a file.
load(String, boolean) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Load a timeline from a file.
load(TargetCostFunction, JoinCostFunction, UnitFileReader, CART, TimelineReader, TimelineReader, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
load(TargetCostFunction, JoinCostFunction, StatisticalCostFunction, UnitFileReader, CART, TimelineReader, TimelineReader, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
load(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Load the given unit file
load(String, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
load(FeatureFileReader, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
load(String, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
load(FeatureFileReader, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
load(String, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
load(FeatureFileReader, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
load(String, InputStream, String, float) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Load weights and values from the given file
load(String, InputStream, String, float) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFunction
load(String, InputStream, String, float) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
load(String, InputStream, InputStream, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
Load weights and values from the given file
load(String, InputStream, String, float) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
Load the given precompiled join cost file
load(String, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
load(FeatureFileReader, InputStream, FeatureProcessorManager) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.select.TargetCostFunction
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
load(UnitDatabase, float, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
load(UnitDatabase, float, float, int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
load(String) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
Load the given unit file
load(String) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Load the given unit file
loadAudioTimeline(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.HnmVoiceDataDumper
Load audio timeline from file
loadAudioTimeline(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Load audio timeline from file
loadByteBufferAtTime(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
loadCartTreeSet() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
loadData() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.BoundaryModel
For boundaries, this does nothing;
loadData() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.CARTModel
Load CART from file for this Model
loadData() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
Load trees and pdfs, from HMM configuration file.
loadData() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Load dataFile for this model; only extension classes know how to do this
loadData() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.SoPModel
Load SoP data.
loadDurationsForAlignment(String, Vector<HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration>) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Load durations for phone alignment when the durations have been generated by EHMMs.
loadF0contour(String, int, HTSParameterGeneration) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Load logf0, in HTS format, create a voiced array and set this values in pdf2par This contour should be aligned with the durations, so the total duration in frames should be the same as in the lf0 file
loadF0Polynomials(String) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.KMeansClusterer
loadFeatureFile(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Load unit feature file from file
loadFromByteBuffer(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
loadFromByteBuffer(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
loadFromByteBuffer(String) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationFeatureFileReader
loadFromStream(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTReader
Load the cart from the given file
loadFromStream(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FeatureFileReader
loadFromStream(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
loadFromStream(String) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationFeatureFileReader
loadGVModelSet(HMMData, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
loadGVModelSet() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
loadSwitchGvFromFile(String, FeatureDefinition, PhoneTranslator) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.GVModelSet
loadTobiPredRules() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
loadTree(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
Convenience method to load tree from an inputstream
loadTreeSet(HMMData, FeatureDefinition, PhoneTranslator) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Loads all the CART trees
loadUnitDatabase(String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Load unit database from various relevant files
locale - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
localePrefix(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Provide the config file prefix used for different locales in the config files.
LocalMaryInterface - Class in marytts
This class and its subclasses are intended to grow into a simple-to-use, unified interface for both the local MARY server and a MARY client.
LocalMaryInterface() - Constructor for class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
logger - Variable in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
logger - Variable in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphWriter
logger - Variable in class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTWriter
logger - Static variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
logger - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The logger instance to be used by this module.
logger - Variable in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
The logger instance to be used by this module.
logger - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
logger - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner
logger - Static variable in class marytts.server.http.BaseHttpRequestHandler
logger - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
logger - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
logger - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
logger - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingSynthesizer
logger - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
logger - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
logger - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
logger - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
logSolution - Variable in class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS
lookupAudio(String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Carry out a lookup in the cache with the given parameters, for a request with output type AUDIO.
lookupAudio(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Carry out a lookup in the cache with the given parameters, for a request with output type AUDIO.
lookupText(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Carry out a lookup in the cache with the given parameters.
lookupText(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Carry out a lookup in the cache with the given parameters.
lowMemoryCondition() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Verify if the java virtual machine is in a low memory condition.
LOWPASS_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
LPCDatagram - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
LPCDatagram(long, short[], byte[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Construct an LPC datagram from quantized data.
LPCDatagram(long, float[], short[], float, float) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Construct an LPC datagram from unquantized data.
LPCDatagram(RandomAccessFile, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a random access file.
LPCDatagram(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a byte buffer.
lpcMin - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
lpcOrder() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Get the LPC order, i.e.
lpcOrder - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
lpcRange - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
LPCTimelineReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
LPCTimelineReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCTimelineReader
LpcWhisperiserEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
LpcWhisperiserEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
LpcWhisperiserEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
lsp2lpc(double[], double[], int) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
lsp2lpc: transform LSP to LPC.
lsp2mgc(double[], double[], int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
lsp2mgc: transform LSP to MGC.
lts - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
LZERO - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder


main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.cart.io.HTSCARTReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
Stand alone testing using a TARGETFEATURES file as input.
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
The starting point of the standalone Mary program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
Command line interface to the vocal tract linear scaler effect.
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.tools.install.CreateComponentXML
For the list of zip files given on the command line, create component XML descriptor files for the mary component installer.
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.HnmVoiceDataDumper
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
Main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmTimelineReader
Dump audio from HNM timeline to a series big-endian raw audio files in chunks of Datagrams (clusterSize).
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMFeatureFileReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.KMeansClusterer
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationFeatureFileReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
main1(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
Stand alone testing reading parameters from files in SPTK format
MainConfig - Class in marytts.config
MainConfig() - Constructor for class marytts.config.MainConfig
makeSureWereReady() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
MALE - Static variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Gender: male.
MARK - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
Mary - Class in marytts.server
The main program for the mary TtS system.
Mary() - Constructor for class marytts.server.Mary
maryBase() - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
The mary base directory, e.g.
MaryCache - Class in marytts.util
MaryCache(File, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.util.MaryCache
Create a MaryCache with the given file prefix.
MaryCARTReader - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for CARTs in MaryCART format
MaryCARTReader() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTReader
MaryCARTWriter - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for CARTs in MaryCART format
MaryCARTWriter() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTWriter
MaryConfig - Class in marytts.config
MaryConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.config.MaryConfig
MaryData - Class in marytts.datatypes
A representation of any type of mary data, be it input, intermediate or output data.
MaryData(MaryDataType, Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
MaryData(MaryDataType, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
MaryDataType - Class in marytts.datatypes
A representation of the data types available as input/output of (partial) processing.
MaryDataType(String, boolean, boolean, MaryDataType.Traits) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
MaryDataType(String, boolean, boolean, MaryDataType.Traits, String) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
MaryDataType.Traits - Class in marytts.datatypes
MaryDataType.Traits(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType.Traits
MaryDataTypeWithParams - Class in marytts.datatypes
MaryDataTypeWithParams(MaryDataType, String) - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataTypeWithParams
MaryDomUtils - Class in marytts.util.dom
A collection of utilities for MaryXML DOM manipulation or analysis.
MaryDomUtils() - Constructor for class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
MaryFeatureProcessor - Interface in marytts.features
Performs a specific type of processing on an item and returns an object.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors - Class in marytts.features
A collection of feature processors that operate on Target objects.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented - Class in marytts.features
Checks to see if the given syllable is accented.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of accented syllables until the end of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of accented syllables since the start of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex - Class in marytts.features
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge - Class in marytts.features
Indicate whether a unit is an edge unit, which is never the case for a target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentInWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the first segment in the word to which this target belongs.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentInWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentInWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentNextWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentNextWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentNextWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSyllableInWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the first syllable in the word to which this target belongs.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSyllableInWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSyllableInWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature - Class in marytts.features
Returns the value of the given feature for the given segment.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight - Class in marytts.features
Is the given half phone target a left or a right half?
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight
Initialise a HalfPhoneLeftRight feature processor.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause - Class in marytts.features
Checks if segment is a pause.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSegmentInWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the last segment in the word to which this target belongs.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSegmentInWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSegmentInWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInPhraseNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Last syllable in phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInPhraseNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInPhraseNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the last syllable in the word to which this target belongs.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastWordInSentenceNavigator - Class in marytts.features
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastWordInSentenceNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastWordInSentenceNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextAccent - Class in marytts.features
The next ToBI accent following the current syllable in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextAccent() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextAccent
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSegmentNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the segment two after the segment which belongs to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSegmentNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSegmentNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSyllableNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the syllable two after the syllable belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSyllableNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSyllableNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextPunctuation - Class in marytts.features
Determines the next word punctuation in the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextPunctuation() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextPunctuation
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSegmentNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the segment following the segment which belongs to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSegmentNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSegmentNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSyllableNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the syllable following the syllable belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSyllableNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSyllableNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseEndtone - Class in marytts.features
The ToBI endtone associated with the last syllable of the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseEndtone() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseEndtone
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls - Class in marytts.features
Returns as a byte the number of phrases in the current sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords - Class in marytts.features
Returns as a byte the number of words in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of phrases until the end of the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of phrases since the start of the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PosInSyl - Class in marytts.features
use SegsFromSylStart instead
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PosInSyl() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PosInSyl
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType - Class in marytts.features
Classifies the the syllable as single, initial, mid or final.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevAccent - Class in marytts.features
The previous ToBI accent preceding the current syllable in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevAccent() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevAccent
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPhraseEndtone - Class in marytts.features
The ToBI endtone associated with the last syllable of the previous phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPhraseEndtone() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPhraseEndtone
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSegmentNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the segment two before the segment which belongs to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSegmentNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSegmentNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSyllableNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the syllable two before the syllable belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSyllableNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSyllableNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPunctuation - Class in marytts.features
Determines the previous word punctuation in the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPunctuation() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPunctuation
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSegmentNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the segment preceding the segment which belongs to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSegmentNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSegmentNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSyllableNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the syllable before the syllable belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSyllableNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSyllableNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevWordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevWordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevWordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegmentNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the segment belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegmentNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegmentNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the phone from the end of the syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the phone in the syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the segment from the end of the word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the segment from the start of the word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody - Class in marytts.features
Determine the prosodic property of a target
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody(MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases - Class in marytts.features
Returns as a byte the number of phrases in the current sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords - Class in marytts.features
Returns as an Integer the number of words in the current sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed - Class in marytts.features
Checks to see if the given syllable is stressed.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of stressed syllables until the end of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of stressed syllables since the start of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style - Class in marytts.features
Sentence Style for the given target
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
Initialize a speaking Style feature processor.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak - Class in marytts.features
Determines the break level after this syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the syllable belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone - Class in marytts.features
Syllable tone for the given target
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs - Class in marytts.features
Returns as an Integer the number of segments in the current syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables until the end of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables since the start of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables since the last accent in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables since the last stressed syllable in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the syllable from the end of the word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart - Class in marytts.features
Finds the position of the syllable from the start of the word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables until the next accent in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of syllables until the next stressed syllable in the current phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator - Interface in marytts.features
Navigate from a target to an item.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent - Class in marytts.features
The ToBI accent of the current syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone - Class in marytts.features
The ToBI endtone associated with the current syllable.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration - Class in marytts.features
Returns the duration of the given segment, in seconds.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0 - Class in marytts.features
Calculates the log of the fundamental frequency in the middle of a unit segment.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta - Class in marytts.features
Calculates the slope of a linear approximation of the fundamental frequency, in the log domain.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNavigator - Class in marytts.features
Retrieve the word belonging to this target.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNavigator() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNavigator
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs - Class in marytts.features
Returns as a byte the number of segments in the given word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls - Class in marytts.features
Returns as an Integer the number of syllables in the given word.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc - Class in marytts.features
Determines the word punctuation.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc(String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of words until the end of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of words since the start of the phrase.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation - Class in marytts.features
Determines the distance in words from the previous word punctuation in the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of words until the end of the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart - Class in marytts.features
Counts the number of words since the start of the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation - Class in marytts.features
Determines the distance in words to the next word punctuation in the sentence.
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation() - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation
maryHdr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
MaryHttpServer - Class in marytts.server.http
Listen for clients as an Http server at port MaryProperties.socketPort().
MaryHttpServer() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServer
MaryHttpServerUtils - Class in marytts.server.http
Utility functions for Mary http server
MaryHttpServerUtils() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors - Class in marytts.features
Provides the set of feature processors that are used by this language as part of the CART processing.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos - Class in marytts.features
Returns generalised part-of-speech.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName - Class in marytts.features
The unit name for the given half phone target.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName(String[], String) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
Initialise a UnitName feature processor.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone - Class in marytts.features
The phone symbol for the given target.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone(String, String[], String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
Initialise a phone feature processor.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature - Class in marytts.features
A parametrisable class which can retrieve all sorts of phone features, given a phone set.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature(AllophoneSet, String, String, String[], String, MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos - Class in marytts.features
Returns the part-of-speech.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos(String[]) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos(String, String[], MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda - Class in marytts.features
Checks for onset coda This is a feature processor.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda(AllophoneSet) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass - Class in marytts.features
The phone class for the given target.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass(Map<String, String>, String[], MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
Initialise the feature processor.
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency - Class in marytts.features
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency(InputStream, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
MaryModule - Interface in marytts.modules
A generic interface for Mary Modules.
MaryNode - Class in marytts.cart.impose
A generic node class for the tree structures.
MaryNode(int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
MaryProperties - Class in marytts.server
A static class reading once, at program start, properties from a number of external property files, and providing them via static getter methods to anyone wishing to read them.
MaryProperties() - Constructor for class marytts.server.MaryProperties
MaryRuntimeUtils - Class in marytts.util
MaryRuntimeUtils() - Constructor for class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
MaryServer - Class in marytts.server
Listen for clients on socket port MaryProperties.socketPort().
MaryServer() - Constructor for class marytts.server.MaryServer
MaryServer.ClientHandler - Class in marytts.server
MaryServer.ClientHandler(Socket) - Constructor for class marytts.server.MaryServer.ClientHandler
marytts - package marytts
The main package for mary, containing some fundamental data structure definitions.
marytts.cart - package marytts.cart
marytts.cart.impose - package marytts.cart.impose
marytts.cart.io - package marytts.cart.io
marytts.config - package marytts.config
marytts.datatypes - package marytts.datatypes
marytts.features - package marytts.features
marytts.htsengine - package marytts.htsengine
marytts.machinelearning - package marytts.machinelearning
marytts.modules - package marytts.modules
All the modules doing the actual processing.
marytts.modules.acoustic - package marytts.modules.acoustic
marytts.modules.phonemiser - package marytts.modules.phonemiser
marytts.modules.prosody - package marytts.modules.prosody
marytts.modules.synthesis - package marytts.modules.synthesis
Internals of the synthesis module.
marytts.server - package marytts.server
marytts.server.http - package marytts.server.http
marytts.signalproc.effects - package marytts.signalproc.effects
A wrapper package for audio effects in Mary TTS.
marytts.tools.install - package marytts.tools.install
marytts.unitselection - package marytts.unitselection
marytts.unitselection.analysis - package marytts.unitselection.analysis
marytts.unitselection.concat - package marytts.unitselection.concat
marytts.unitselection.data - package marytts.unitselection.data
marytts.unitselection.interpolation - package marytts.unitselection.interpolation
marytts.unitselection.select - package marytts.unitselection.select
marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi - package marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi
marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions - package marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
marytts.util - package marytts.util
marytts.util.dom - package marytts.util.dom
marytts.vocalizations - package marytts.vocalizations
MARYXML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
MaryXML - Class in marytts.datatypes
Class containing only static methods.
MaryXML() - Constructor for class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
MARYXML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
maryxmlElement - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
MaryXMLToText - Class in marytts.modules
Create simple text from a rawmaryxml document.
MaryXMLToText() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.MaryXMLToText
MAX_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
MAX_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
MAX_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
MAX_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
MAX_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
MAX_AMP - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
MAX_DELAY - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
MAX_DUR_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
MAX_F0_ADD - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
MAX_F0_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
MAX_RESTART_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule.RestarterThread
MAX_TAPS - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
MAXDEPTH - Static variable in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
MAXLEVEL - Static variable in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
maybePronounceable(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Determine whether token should be pronounceable, based on text and POS tag.
mc2b(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
mc2b: transform mel-cepstrum to MLSA digital filter coefficients
MCepDatagram - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
MCepDatagram(long, float[]) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Construct a MCep datagram from a float vector.
MCepDatagram(RandomAccessFile, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a random access file.
MCepDatagram(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Constructor which pops a datagram from a byte buffer.
MCepTimelineReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
MCepTimelineReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepTimelineReader
mgc2mgc(double[], int, double, double, double[], int, double, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
mgc2mgc: frequency and generalized cepstral transformation
mglsadf(double, double[], int, double, int, double[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
mglsadff: sub functions for MGLSA filter
midCart - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
midSop - Variable in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
MIN_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
MIN_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
MIN_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
MIN_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
MIN_AMOUNT - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
MIN_AMP - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
MIN_DELAY - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
MIN_DUR_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
MIN_F0_ADD - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
MIN_F0_SCALE - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
MinimalisticPosTagger - Class in marytts.modules
Minimalistic part-of-speech tagger, using only function word tags as marked in the Transcription GUI.
MinimalisticPosTagger(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
MINUNITS - Static variable in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
mlpg(HMMData) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
mlpg(HMMData, boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
mlsadf(double, double[], int, double, double[], int, int[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
mlsadf: HTS Mel Log Spectrum Approximation filter
MLSAFeatureFileReader - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Reads a single file which contains all MLSA features (logfo, mgc and strengths) of vocalizations
MLSAFeatureFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.MLSAFeatureFileReader
Create a feature file reader from the given MLSA feature file
MLSASynthesisTechnology - Class in marytts.vocalizations
MLSA Synthesis technology to synthesize vocalizations
MLSASynthesisTechnology(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
Model - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
Base class for acoustic modeling; specific Models should extend this and override methods as needed.
Model(FeatureProcessorManager, String, InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
Model constructor
ModelType - Enum in marytts.modules.acoustic
List of known model types as constants; can be extended but needs to mesh with Classes extending Model and switch statement in Voice():
modificationConcatenator - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
MODULE_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
MODULE_RUNNING - Static variable in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
moduleInitInfo() - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Names of the classes to use as modules, plus optional parameter info.
ModuleRegistry - Class in marytts.modules
A hierarchical repository for Mary modules, allowing the flexible indexing by an ordered hierarchy of datatype, locale and voice.
modulesRequiredForProcessing(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
A method for determining the list of modules required to transform the given source data type into the requested target data type.
modulesRequiredForProcessing(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale, Voice) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
A method for determining the list of modules required to transform the given source data type into the requested target data type.
moreAccentuated(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.prosody.POSAccentPriorities
Determine whether one part-of-speech is more likely to get an accent than another one.
mostProbableInt() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
For the int-float pairs in this leaf, return the int value for which the associated float value is the highest one.
mostProbableString(FeatureDefinition, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode
Return the most probable value in this leaf, translated into its string representation using the featureIndex'th feature of the given feature definition.
mother - Variable in class marytts.cart.Node
MTU - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML


name() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
name - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
name() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
name() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
name() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
This module's name, as free text, for example "Tokeniser"
name - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
name - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
navigator - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
nCostComputations - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
nCostComputations - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
nCostComputations - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
nData - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
needAllophoneSet(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Convenience method to access the allophone set referenced in the MARY property with the given name.
needAutoBoolean(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get or infer a boolean property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needBoolean(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a boolean property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needClass(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a Class property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needFilename(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a filename property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needInteger(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get an integer property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needProperty(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Get a property from the underlying properties, throwing an exception if it is not defined.
needStream(String) - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
For the named property, attempt to get an open input stream.
needToRestart() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
newDocument() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
next() - Method in class marytts.cart.NodeIterator
next() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SentenceIterator
next() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SyllableIterator
nextPlusXAttributesPattern - Static variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
nextPlusXTextPattern - Static variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
nextSection() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner
nJoinCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
NO_MODIFICATION - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
NO_MODIFICATION - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
NO_MODIFICATION - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
Node - Class in marytts.cart
A node for the CART or DirectedGraph.
Node() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.Node
nodeIndex - Variable in class marytts.cart.Node
NodeIterator<T extends Node> - Class in marytts.cart
NodeIterator(DirectedGraph, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.NodeIterator
Iterate over all nodes in the graph.
NodeIterator(Node, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.NodeIterator
Iterate over the subtree below rootNode.
NONVERBAL - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
noOfSuitableUnits - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
nTargetCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
NULL_DOUBLE_PARAM - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
NULL_FILTER - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
NULL_FLOAT_PARAM - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
NULL_INT_PARAM - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
NULL_STRING_PARAM - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
NULLVALUE - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
NUM - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
numDatagrams - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
numSamples - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
numUnits - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase


open() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Execute the command cmd as an external process.
OpenNLPPosTagger - Class in marytts.modules
Part-of-speech tagger using OpenNLP.
OpenNLPPosTagger(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
optimizeEffectsOrdering() - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
optimumEffectIndices - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
order() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Get the order, i.e.
order - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepTimelineReader
outputData - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
outputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
outputType() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
outputType() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
outputType - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
outputTypeParams - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
OverlapUnitConcatenator - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
OverlapUnitConcatenator() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator
OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData - Class in marytts.unitselection.concat
OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData
overridableCreateTargetsWithPauses(List<Element>, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister
Access the code from within the our own code so that a subclass can override it.
overridableCreateTargetsWithPauses(List<Element>, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
Access the code from within the our own code so that a subclass can override it.


p - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
PAConverter - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
Phonetic Alphabet converter.
PAConverter() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.PAConverter
PADEORDER - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
par2speech - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
paragraphDeclination - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
paramNames - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
paramVals - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
parseChildParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
parseEffectsAndParams(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
parseEffectsAndParams(String, int) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
parseParameters(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.JetPilotEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
parseParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
PARTSOFSPEECH - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
PasswordPanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
PasswordPanel() - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.PasswordPanel
Creates new form ProxyPanel
pause() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
pauseFeatureComputer - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
pauseSymbol - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
pauseSymbol - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
pauseSymbol - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
pauseSymbol - Variable in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
pausetree - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
PHONE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
Phone - Class in marytts.unitselection.analysis
Convenience class containing the selected units and targets of a phone segment, and a host of getters to access their prosodic attributes
Phone(SelectedUnit, SelectedUnit, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Main constructor
phoneFeatureIndex - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
phonefeatures2values - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
PHONEMES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
phonemise(String, String, StringBuilder) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Phonemise the word text.
phones2Classes - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
phoneSet - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
phonesetQuery - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
PhoneTranslator - Class in marytts.htsengine
Translates phone names used in HTS-HTK
PhoneTranslator(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
PHONOLOGY - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
PHRASE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
phraseDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
pitchmarks - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
pleaseExit() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
PolynomialF0Modeller - Class in marytts.modules
Predict f0 contours using polynomial curves predicted from a directed graph per syllable.
PolynomialF0Modeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
PolynomialF0Modeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
pos - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner
POSAccentPriorities - Class in marytts.modules.prosody
The priorites of parts-of-speech for accent assignment.
POSAccentPriorities(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.prosody.POSAccentPriorities
postfilter_mgc(double[], int, double, double) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
posfilter: postfilter for mel-cepstrum.
postlexicalRules(Element, AllophoneSet) - Method in class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
Optionally, a language-specific subclass can implement any postlexical rules on the document.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
This module is actually tested as part of the HMMSynthesizer test, for which reason this method does nothing.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.HMMSynthesizer
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.Synthesis
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in interface marytts.modules.synthesis.WaveformSynthesizer
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingSynthesizer
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
powerOnSelfTest() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionSynthesizer
Perform a power-on self test by processing some example input data.
PRAAT_TEXTGRID - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
PraatTextGridGenerator - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a full MaryXML document into a Praat TextGrid containing various interesting information; in particular, the source units and basenames used in unit selection synthesis
PraatTextGridGenerator() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.PraatTextGridGenerator
precompiledCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
PrecompiledJoinCostReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
Loads a precompiled join cost file and provides access to the join cost.
PrecompiledJoinCostReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
Empty constructor; need to call load() separately.
PrecompiledJoinCostReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.PrecompiledJoinCostReader
Create a precompiled join cost file reader from the given file
PREDICTED_STRING_FEATURENAME - Static variable in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
predictFrom - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
predictionFeatureNames - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The names of the features used for prediction.
predictPronunciation(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
preprocessParams(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
preprocessParams(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
preselectionCART - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
previousMinusXAttributesPattern - Static variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
previousMinusXTextPattern - Static variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
print() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
Method which writes an index to stdout
printCoefficients() - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
printDuration(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
printLf0Mean() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
Print mean and variance of each state
printMcepMean() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
Print mean and variance of each state
printVectors(double[][], double[][]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
Print mean and variance vectors
priorities - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
problemOccurred() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest
process(Target) - Method in interface marytts.features.ByteValuedFeatureProcessor
process(Target) - Method in interface marytts.features.ContinuousFeatureProcessor
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge
This processor always returns 0 for targets.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause
Check if segment is a pause
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextAccent
Search for an accented syllable, and return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextPunctuation
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevAccent
Search for an accented syllable, and return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPhraseEndtone
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPunctuation
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
Determine the prosodic property of the target
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
For the given syllable item, return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
For the given syllable item, return its tobi end tone, or 0 if there is none.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0
process(Target, boolean) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0
Compute log f0 and log f0 delta for the given target.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
Give back the phone class of the target
process(Target) - Method in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
Performs some processing on the given item.
process(Target) - Method in interface marytts.features.ShortValuedFeatureProcessor
process(Document) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.ProsodyElementHandler
A method to modify prosody modifications
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.AcousticModeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.APMLParser
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser
process - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Feed the input data into the external module, and return the result.
process(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller.SimpleFestivalClient
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
process(MaryData, List<Target>, List<Element>, List<Element>) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
This functions process directly the target features list: targetFeaturesList when using external prosody, duration and f0 are read from acoustparams: segmentsAndBoundaries realised durations and f0 are set in: tokensAndBoundaries when calling this function HMMVoice must be initialised already, that is TreeSet and ModelSet must be loaded already.
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
Perform this module's processing on abstract "MaryData" input d.
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller
process(MaryData) - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
Perform this module's processing on abstract "MaryData" input d.
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.MaryXMLToText
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.PraatTextGridGenerator
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
This computes a new pronunciation for the elements of some MaryData, that is phonemised.
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.RealisedAcoustparamsExtractor
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.RealisedDurationsExtractor
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SableParser
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SSMLParser
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.Synthesis
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
From synthesis markup input d, create audio output of the type specified by a preceding call to setAudioType().
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
process(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML
process(Address, Map<String, String>, HttpResponse) - Method in class marytts.server.http.SynthesisRequestHandler
process(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, OutputStream) - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Process input into output using the MARY system.
process() - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Process the input data to produce the output data.
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.ChorusEffectBase
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.FilterEffectBase
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMDurationScaleEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0AddEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.HMMF0ScaleEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.LpcWhisperiserEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
process(DoubleDataSource) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
processingThread - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
processors - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
processSentence(Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
processTargetList(List<Target>, List<Element>, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
Process feature vectors in target list to generate a list of models for generation and realisation
ProcessTimeoutDestroyer - Class in marytts.modules
Destroy a given process if timeout occurs.
ProcessTimeoutDestroyer(ExternalModule) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
processUttFromFile(String, HMMData) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
procHdr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
produceContent(ContentEncoder, IOControl) - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
produceContent(ContentEncoder, IOControl) - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
ProgressPanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
ProgressPanel(List<ComponentDescription>, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.ProgressPanel
Creates new form ProgressPanel
PronunciationModel - Class in marytts.modules
This module serves as a post-lexical pronunciation model.
PronunciationModel() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
Constructor, stating that the input is of type INTONATION, the output of type ALLOPHONES.
PronunciationModel(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
properties - Variable in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
PROPERTY_XML_FOLDER - Static variable in class marytts.tools.install.CreateComponentXML
PROPERTY_XML_OUTPUTFILE - Static variable in class marytts.tools.install.CreateComponentXML
PROSODY - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
ProsodyAnalyzer - Class in marytts.unitselection.analysis
Class to provide high-level, phone-based access to the predicted and realized prosodic parameters in a given unit-selection result
ProsodyAnalyzer(List<SelectedUnit>, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
Main constructor
prosodyAnalyzer - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
ProsodyElementHandler - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
This module will apply prosody modifications to the already predicted values (dur and f0) in the acoustparams This class also support SSML recommendations of 'prosody' element
ProsodyElementHandler() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.ProsodyElementHandler
ProsodyGeneric - Class in marytts.modules
The generic prosody module.
ProsodyGeneric() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGeneric(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGeneric(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGeneric(Locale, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGeneric(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGeneric(Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
ProsodyGenericFST - Class in marytts.modules
ProsodyGenericFST(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.ProsodyGenericFST
ProxyPanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
ProxyPanel(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.ProxyPanel
Creates new form ProxyPanel
punctuationPosRegex - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser


q - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
quantizedCoeffs - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
quantizedResidual - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram


RAWMARYXML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
readDatagram(Datagram, double[], int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
readExampleText(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
readFeatureDefinition(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.FeatureUtils
readFeatureDefinition(InputStream) - Static method in class marytts.util.FeatureUtils
readFeatureVector(int, DataInput) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from the given input.
readFeatureVector(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from the byte buffer.
readFeatureVectors(String) - Static method in class marytts.util.FeatureUtils
readFrom(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Read data from input stream is, in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
readFrom(InputStream, String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Read data from input stream is, in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
readFrom(Reader) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Read data from reader r in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
readFrom(Reader, String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Read data from reader r in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
readInputData(Reader) - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Read the input data from a Reader.
readIntoBuffer(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
Attempt to get more data from the input source.
readJoinCostWeightsFile(String) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Read the join cost weight specifications from the given file.
readJoinCostWeightsStream(InputStream) - Static method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
Read the join cost weight specifications from the given file.
readLexicon(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Read a lexicon.
readListFromResource(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Read a list from an external file.
readListFromResource(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGenericFST
Read a list from an external file.
readMixedExcitationFilters(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
Initialisation for mixed excitation : it loads the filter taps, they are read from MixFilterFile specified in the configuration file.
REALISED_ACOUSTPARAMS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
REALISED_DURATIONS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
RealisedAcoustparamsExtractor - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a full MaryXML document into an MBROLA format string
RealisedAcoustparamsExtractor() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.RealisedAcoustparamsExtractor
RealisedDurationsExtractor - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a full MaryXML document into an MBROLA format string
RealisedDurationsExtractor() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.RealisedDurationsExtractor
registerAcousticModels(Voice) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
Create any additional feature processors for acoustic models.
registerDataType(MaryDataType) - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
registerModule(MaryModule, Locale, Voice) - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Register a MaryModule as an appropriate module to process the given combination of MaryDataType for the input data, locale of the input data, and voice requested for processing.
registerVoice(Voice) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Register the given voice.
relationsDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
rememberWhichWeightsAreNonZero() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
remove() - Method in class marytts.cart.NodeIterator
remove() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SentenceIterator
remove() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.SyllableIterator
removeAllLocations() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
removeMother(Node) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
Remove the given node from the list of mothers.
removeRequest(ExternalModuleRequest) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
removeTrailingOneFromPhones - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
removeTrailingOneFromPhones - Variable in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
removeTrailingOneFromPhones - Variable in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
replaceBackPunc(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
replaceBackToBI(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
replaceBackTrickyPhones(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
Translation table for labels which are incompatible with HTK or shell filenames See common_routines.pl in HTS training.
replaceDaughter(Node, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
Replace daughter at given index with another daughter
replaceLeafByCart(CART, LeafNode) - Static method in class marytts.cart.CART
In this tree, replace the given leaf with the given CART
replacePunc(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
replaceToBI(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
replaceTrickyPhones(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
Translation table for labels which are incompatible with HTK or shell filenames See common_routines.pl in HTS training.
replaceWithUpdate() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Replace this component definition with its available update.
replaceWithUpdate() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
Request - Class in marytts.server
A request consists of input data, a desired output data type and the means to process the input data into the data of the output type.

A request is used as follows.
Request(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale, Voice, String, String, int, AudioFileFormat) - Constructor for class marytts.server.Request
Request(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale, Voice, String, String, int, AudioFileFormat, boolean, String) - Constructor for class marytts.server.Request
requestExit() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ProgressPanel
RequestHandler - Class in marytts.server
A lightweight process handling one Request in a thread of its own.
RequestHandler(Request, Socket, Socket, Reader) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler
Constructor to be used for Socket processing (running as a standalone socket server).
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper - Class in marytts.server
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper(InputStream, File) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper(InputStream, HttpResponse, String) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputWriter - Class in marytts.server
RequestHandler.StreamingOutputWriter(Request, OutputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputWriter
resetTimeLimit() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
Reset the time limit to 0.
restarterThread - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
resume(boolean) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
reSynthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
Re-synthesize given vocalization using FDPSOLA technology
reSynthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
Re-synthesize given vocalization using HNM technology
reSynthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
Re-synthesize given vocalization using MLSA (it is same as synthesize())
reSynthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesisTechnology
Re-synthesize given vocalization
retrieve(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Retrieve an array of unit features which complies with a specific target specification, according to an underlying tree.
retrieve(FeatureVector, int, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureArrayIndexer
Retrieve an array of unit features which complies with a specific target specification, according to an underlying tree, and given a stopping condition.
retrying - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Remember if a retry attempt is undertaken in process().
right - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
right - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
rightCart - Variable in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
rightContextFrame - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
rightContextFrame - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData
rightContexts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
rightSop - Variable in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
rightWeightFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
rightWeights - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader
rightWeights - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction
RobotiserEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
RobotiserEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
RobotiserEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.RobotiserEffect
rootElement() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
rootNode - Variable in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
run() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer
run() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule.ProcessingThread
run() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule.RestarterThread
run() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
run() - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
Wait for the SharedOutputBuffer to become available, write audio data to it.
run() - Method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServer
run() - Method in class marytts.server.MaryServer.ClientHandler
run() - Method in class marytts.server.MaryServer
run() - Method in class marytts.server.RequestHandler
Perform the actual processing by calling the appropriate methods of the associated Request object.
run() - Method in class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputPiper
run() - Method in class marytts.server.RequestHandler.StreamingOutputWriter
run() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ProgressPanel


s - Variable in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner
SABLE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
SableParser - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a SABLE document into a raw (untokenised) MaryXML document
SableParser() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SableParser
sampa(Locale) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.PAConverter
sampaEn2sampaDe(String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.PAConverter
Converts a single phonetic symbol in English sampa representation into its equivalent in German sampa representation.
sampaEnString2sampaDeString(String) - Static method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.PAConverter
Converts an english sampa string into a german sampa string, keeping syllable boundaries and stress markers
sampleRate - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
saveGraph(DirectedGraph, String) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphWriter
Dump the graph in Mary format
saveParam(String, HTSPStream, HMMData.FeatureType) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
saveParamMaryFormat(String, HTSPStream, HMMData.FeatureType) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
saveSelectedFeatures(PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
First line vowel coefficients plus factors, second line consonant coefficients plus factors
SAYAS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
scaleTime(int, long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Scales a discrete time to the timeline's sample rate.
SCostFileReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
sCost file reader
SCostFileReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.SCostFileReader
Empty constructor; need to call load() separately.
SCostFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.SCostFileReader
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
sCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
sCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
sCostReader - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
sCostWeight - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
sCostWeight - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
searchDurInCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, HMMData, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Searches fv in durTree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
searchDurInCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, HMMData, boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
searchLf0InCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, FeatureDefinition, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Searches fv in Lf0Tree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
searchMagInCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Searches fv in MagTree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
searchMgcInCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Searches fv in mgcTree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
searchStrInCartTree(HTSModel, FeatureVector, FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.CartTreeSet
Searches fv in StrTree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
SEED - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
segmentDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
SelectedUnit - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
A unit selected from Viterbi
SelectedUnit(Unit, Target) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
selectUnits(List<Element>, Voice) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
Select the units for the targets in the given list of tokens and boundaries.
SENTENCE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
Sentence - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
This class represents the section of a feature file which constitutes a sentence.
Sentence(FeatureFileReader, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.Sentence
SentenceIterator - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Iterator to provide the sentences in a given feature file, in sequence.
SentenceIterator(FeatureFileReader) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.SentenceIterator
sequentialForwardFloatingSelection(String, int, String[], int[], int[], int, int, int, int, SoP) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS
setAccent(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
Assign an accent to the given token.
setActualDurations(TreeWalker, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
Set durations
setActualDurationsAndF0s(TreeWalker, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
Set durations and f0 values The meaning of f0="(X,Y)" is: at X% of the phone duration, the F0 value is Y Hz.
setAlignDurations(Vector<HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration>) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setAlpha(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setAndUpdateFromMaryComponentURL(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
setAudio(AudioInputStream) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Set the audio data.
setAudio(double[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
setAudioEffects(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setAudioFileFormat(AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
The audio file format is required only for data types serving as input to modules producing AUDIO data (e.g., MBROLA data), as well as for the AUDIO data itself.
setAvailableUpdate(ComponentDescription) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Set the given component description as the available update of this component.
setBestPath(ViterbiPath) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Sets the currently best path leading to this candidate.
setBeta(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setCandidates(ArrayList<ViterbiCandidate>) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Sets the candidates of this point
setChild(int, MaryNode) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
setCmd(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Sets the command line to execute.
setCoeffsAndFactors(double[], int[], String[], boolean) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
if b0=true then the number of selected factors 0 numCoeffs-1 (there is one coeff more) if b0=false then the number of selected factor is the same as the number of coeffs When setting the factors, it checks to which indexes correspond according to the featureDefinition.
setCoeffsAndFactors(String) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
setConcatenationData(Object) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
Remember data about this selected unit which is relevant for unit concatenation.
setContextFeatureFile(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
setCorrelation(double) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
setData(String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Set the content data of this MaryData object from the given String.
setDecisionNode(DecisionNode) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
setDefaultEffects(String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setDefaultStyle(String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setDefaultVoice(Voice) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setDependsLanguage(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
setDependsVersion(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
setDescription(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setDocument(Document) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setDur(int, int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setDuration(float) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration
setDurationScale(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setDurationScale(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
setDurError(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setExampleParameters(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
setExampleParameters(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
setExitRequested(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
Tell all helper threads to exit.
setF0Mean(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setF0Mean(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
setF0Std(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setF0Std(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
setFallbackFeatureProcessorManager(FeatureProcessorManager) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Set the given feature processor manager as the one to use when no voice- or locale-specific feature processor manager can be found.
setFeatureAndFeatureValue(String, String) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode.BinaryByteDecisionNode
Fill the feature and feature value of an already created (empty) BinaryByteDecisionNode.
setFeatureDefinition(FeatureDefinition) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinModelCost
Set the feature definition to use for interpreting target feature vectors.
setFeatureIdx(int, FeatureVector.FeatureType) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureComparator
Accessor to set the feature index.
setFeatureIndex(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
setFeatureProcessorManager(Locale, FeatureProcessorManager) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Set the given feature processor manager as the one to use for the given locale.
setFeatureProcessorManager(Voice, FeatureProcessorManager) - Static method in class marytts.features.FeatureRegistry
Set the given feature processor manager as the one to use for the given voice.
setFeatureVector(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneTarget
setFeatureVector(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
setFeatureVectors(FeatureVector[]) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
setFperiod(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setFrame(int, Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
setFrames(Datagram[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
setGender(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
setGvMeanVar(double[], double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setGvMethod(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setGvSwitch(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setGvSwitch(int, boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setGvWeightLf0(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setGvWeightMgc(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setGvWeightStr(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setHMMEffect(boolean) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
setHMMEffectParameters(Voice, String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
setInputData(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Set the input data directly, in case it is already in the form of a MaryData object.
setInputData(String) - Method in class marytts.server.Request
setInputType(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setIsRoot(boolean) - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
Set isRoot to the given value
setIvseq(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setLeafNode(Node) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
setLeftContextFrame(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator.HnmUnitData
setLeftTargetF0Values(double[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Set the target F0 values of this phone's left half, with one value per Datagram in the phone's left unit
setLength(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setLength(double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMVoice
setLf0Frame(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
setLf0Mean(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setLf0Mean(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setlf0Pst(HTSPStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
setLf0Variance(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setLf0Variance(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setLicenseURL(URL) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setMagMean(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMagMean(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMagPst(HTSPStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
setMagVariance(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMagVariance(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMaryXmlDur(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMaryXmlF0(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMaxLf0GvIter(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setMaxMgcGvIter(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setMaxStrGvIter(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setMcepMean(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMcepMean(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMcepPst(HTSPStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
setMcepVariance(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMcepVariance(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setMother(Node, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
setMother(Node, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
set the mother node of this node, and remember this node's index in mother.
setMseq(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setMseq(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setName(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
setName(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
setNeedToRestart(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
setNewStateDurationFactor(double) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setNext(ViterbiCandidate) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Sets the next candidate in the queue
setNext(ViterbiPath) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Set the next path
setNext(ViterbiPoint) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Sets the next point in the queue
setNumFilters(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setNumModel(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
setNumState(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
setOrderFilters(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setOutput(MaryData) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest
setOutputParams(String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setOutputType(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setOutputTypeParams(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setPackageFilename(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setPackageMD5Sum(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setPackageSize(int) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setPar(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setParam(String) - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunc
Possibly set optional parameters.
setParam(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.linear
Optional argument setting.
setParam(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.step
Optional argument setting.
setParams(String) - Method in interface marytts.signalproc.effects.AudioEffect
setParams(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
setParamsFromFullName(String) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
setPdfMagStream(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setPdfStrStream(InputStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setPh(Element, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
setPhoneme(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest.PhonemeDuration
setPhonemeAlignmentForDurations(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setPhoneName(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setPitchmarks(int[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
Set the array of to-be-realised pitchmarks for the realisation of the selected unit.
setPlainText(String) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setPredictDurAndF0(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.HMMModel
This variable is set to true whenever the same HMMModel is used to predict both duration and F0.
setProblemOccurred(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModuleRequest
setPunctuationPosRegex() - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Compile a regex pattern used to determine whether tokens are processed as punctuation or not, based on whether their pos attribute matches the pattern.
setRate(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setRealisedAcoustParams(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
setRealisedDurations(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setRealisedProsody(List<Element>, HTSUttModel) - Static method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setReasonableDefaults() - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setRegistrationComplete() - Static method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
Indicate that the registration is now complete.
setRegistrationComplete() - Static method in class marytts.modules.ModuleRegistry
Indicate that the registration is now complete.
setRightContextFrame(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
setRightContextFrame(Datagram) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.OverlapUnitConcatenator.OverlapUnitData
setRightTargetF0Values(double[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
Set the target F0 values of this phone's right half, with one value per Datagram in the phone's right unit
setRMSE(double) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
setRootNode(Node) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
Set the root node of this CART
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setSharedFiles(Set<String>) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setStage(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setStateAlignmentForDurations(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.HTSEngine
setStreamingAudio(boolean) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setStrMean(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
NOT USED -- remove? public String getShortPhoneName(){ String aux; int l,r; l = name.indexOf("-"); r = name.indexOf("+"); aux = name.substring(l+1, r); return aux; }
setStrMean(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setStrPst(HTSPStream) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
setStrVariance(int, int, double) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setStrVariance(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setStyle(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setTarget(Target) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Sets the target of this point
setTargetDurationInSeconds(float) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
setTimeLimit(long) - Method in class marytts.modules.ProcessTimeoutDestroyer
A timelimit > 0 will cause the timeout-destroy procedure to be started.
setTokenizerLanguage(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
Set the tokenizer language to be different from the Locale of the module.
setTokenText(Element, String) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Convenience method for setting the text string of a token element.
setTotalDur(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setTotalDurMillisec(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setTotalFrame(int) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSUttModel
setType(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
setUniqueDecisionNodeId(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
setUniqueGraphNodeID(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
setUniqueLeafId(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
setUnitDuration(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
Set the realised duration of this unit, in samples.
setUnitNames(String[]) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
setUnits(Unit[]) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
Set units
setUnpronounceablePosRegex() - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
Compile a regex pattern used to determine whether tokens are processed as unprounounceable or not, based on whether their pos attribute matches the pattern.
setupFeatureComputer() - Method in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
setupGenericFeatureProcessors() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
setupHardcodedPhoneFeatureValues() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
setupPhoneFeatureProcessors(AllophoneSet, String[], String, Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureProcessorManager
Set up phone feature processors based on phoneset.
setUseAcousticModels(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setUseContextDepenendentGV(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setUseFourierMag(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setUseGV(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setUseLogGain(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setUseMixExc(boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HMMData
setValidating(boolean) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setVersion(String) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
setVoice(String) - Method in class marytts.LocalMaryInterface
setVoiced(int, boolean) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
setVoicedArray(boolean[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSParameterGeneration
setVseq(int, double[]) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
setWarnClient(boolean) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
setWarnClient(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.APMLParser
setWarnClient(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser
setWarnClient(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.SableParser
setWarnClient(boolean) - Method in class marytts.modules.SSMLParser
SFFS - Class in marytts.machinelearning
Sequential Floating Forward Search(SFFS) for selection of features Ref: Pudil, P., J.
SFFS(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS
Sequential Floating Forward Search(SFFS) for selection of features
ShortDescriptionPanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
ShortDescriptionPanel(ComponentDescription, VoiceUpdateListener) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.ShortDescriptionPanel
Creates new form ShortDescriptionPanel
shortenPfeat(String) - Method in class marytts.htsengine.PhoneTranslator
Shorten the key name (to make the full context names shorter) See common_routines.pl in HTS training.
SHORTFEATURES - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
shortValuedDiscreteFeatureProcessors - Variable in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
shortValuedDiscreteFeatures - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
ShortValuedFeatureProcessor - Interface in marytts.features
Performs a specific type of processing on an item and returns an object.
shutdown() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
shutdown() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
shutdown() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
Allow the module to shut down cleanly.
shutdown() - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Orderly shut down the MARY system.
shutdown() - Method in class marytts.util.MaryCache
Shut down the cache.
SimplePhoneme2AP - Class in marytts.modules
Read a simple phone string and generate default acoustic parameters.
SimplePhoneme2AP(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP
SimplePhoneme2AP(MaryDataType, MaryDataType, Locale) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP
SIMPLEPHONEMES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
skipNextDatagram(ByteBuffer) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Skip the upcoming datagram at the current position of the byte buffer.
solutionSize - Variable in class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS
solve(Target, FeatureDefinition, boolean) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
Solve the linear equation given the features (factors) in t and coeffs and factors in the SoP object * if interceptTterm = TRUE solution = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1]*factors[0] + coeffs[2]*factors[1] + ...
solve(Target, FeatureDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
SoP - Class in marytts.machinelearning
Contains the coefficients and factors of an equation of the form: if interceptTterm = TRUE solution = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1]*factors[0] + coeffs[2]*factors[1] + ...
SoP() - Constructor for class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
SoP(FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
Build a new empty sop with the given feature definition.
SoP(String, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.machinelearning.SoP
SoPDurationModeller - Class in marytts.modules
SoPDurationModeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
SoPDurationModeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
SoPDurationModeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
SoPF0Modeller - Class in marytts.modules
SoPF0Modeller(String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
SoPF0Modeller(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
Constructor which can be directly called from init info in the config file.
SoPF0Modeller(Locale, String, FeatureProcessorManager) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
Constructor to be called with instantiated objects.
SoPModel - Class in marytts.modules.acoustic
Model for predicting duration and F0 from SoP models
SoPModel(FeatureProcessorManager, String, InputStream, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.acoustic.SoPModel
Model constructor
SourceTargetPair - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Class represents Source unit, target unit and contour distance between these units.
SourceTargetPair(int, int, double) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.SourceTargetPair
split(int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
splitIntoAllophones(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
This duplicates (badly) AllophoneSet.splitAllophoneString(String); use that method instead.
SSML - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
SSMLParser - Class in marytts.modules
Transforms a SABLE document into a raw (untokenised) MaryXML document
SSMLParser() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SSMLParser
StadiumEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
StadiumEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
StadiumEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.StadiumEffect
start() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
start() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
start() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter
startTime - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
Unit start time, expressed in samples.
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.APMLParser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.CARTDurationModeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.CARTF0Modeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.HMMDurationF0Modeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.KlattDurationModeller
startup() - Method in interface marytts.modules.MaryModule
Allow the module to start up, performing whatever is necessary to become operational.
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.MaryXMLToText
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.PolynomialF0Modeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SableParser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SoPDurationModeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SoPF0Modeller
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SSMLParser
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.HMMSynthesizer
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.Synthesis
startup() - Method in interface marytts.modules.synthesis.WaveformSynthesizer
Start up the waveform synthesizer.
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
startup() - Method in class marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML
startup() - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Start the MARY system and all modules.
startup(boolean) - Static method in class marytts.server.Mary
Start the MARY system and all modules.
startup() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingSynthesizer
Start up the waveform synthesizer.
startup() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionSynthesizer
Start up the waveform synthesizer.
state - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
state - Variable in class marytts.modules.InternalModule
STATE_OFF - Static variable in class marytts.server.Mary
STATE_RUNNING - Static variable in class marytts.server.Mary
STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN - Static variable in class marytts.server.Mary
STATE_STARTING - Static variable in class marytts.server.Mary
StatisticalCostFunction - Interface in marytts.unitselection.select
A statistical cost function
StatisticalModelCost - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
StatisticalModelCost for a given unit
StatisticalModelCost() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.StatisticalModelCost
Empty constructor; when using this, call init() separately to initialise this class.
streamAudio - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
strEffectName - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
strExampleParameters - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
strHelpText - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
string2AudioEffect(String, int) - Method in class marytts.signalproc.effects.EffectsApplier
StringPredictionTree - Class in marytts.cart
StringPredictionTree(Node, FeatureDefinition, String[]) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
StringPredictionTree(BufferedReader, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
This constructs a new string prediction tree from a stream containing a tree in wagon format.
strLineBreak - Static variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
strParams - Variable in class marytts.signalproc.effects.BaseAudioEffect
styleTagName - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
subset(String[]) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a new FeatureDefinition that contains a subset of the features in this.
Syllabifier - Class in marytts.modules.phonemiser
Syllabifier(AllophoneSet, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
Syllabifier(AllophoneSet) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
syllabify(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
Syllabify a phonetic string, marking syllable boundaries with dash characters in the output.
syllabify(LinkedList<String>) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.Syllabifier
Syllabify a LinkedList of phones.
syllabify(String) - Method in class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
Phone chain is syllabified.
SYLLABLE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
Syllable - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
This class represents the section of a feature file which constitutes a sentence.
Syllable(FeatureFileReader, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.Syllable
syllableAccents - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
syllableDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
SyllableIterator - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
SyllableIterator(FeatureFileReader, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.SyllableIterator
Create a syllable iterator over the given feature file, starting from the given fromUnitIndex and reaching up to (and including) the given toUnitIndex
Synthesis - Class in marytts.modules
The synthesis module.
Synthesis() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.Synthesis
SynthesisCallerBase - Class in marytts.modules
A base class for a synthesis caller.
SynthesisCallerBase(String, MaryDataType, MaryDataType) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
SynthesisConfig - Class in marytts.config
SynthesisConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.config.SynthesisConfig
synthesiseOneSection(String, Voice) - Method in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
Process a single utterance in FESTIVAL_UTT text format.
synthesiseOneSection(String, Voice) - Method in class marytts.modules.SynthesisCallerBase
Synthesise one chunk of synthesis markup with a given voice.
synthesisParams - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
SynthesisRequestHandler - Class in marytts.server.http
Provides functionality to process synthesis http requests
SynthesisRequestHandler() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.SynthesisRequestHandler
synthesisWithContinuousFeatureProcessors() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Generation of speech using external specification of duration: using ContinuousFeatureProcessors of TARGETFEATURES Input: a TARGETFEATURES (.pfeats) file, this file should contain ContinuousFeatureProcessors: unit_duration float unit_logf0 float unit_logf0delta float The features unit_duration and unit_logf0 are used as external prosody, unit_logf0Delta is not used.
synthesisWithProsodySpecificationInExternalFiles() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSEngineTest
Generation of speech using external specification of duration: duration and logf0 in external files Input: a TARGETFEATURES (.pfeats) file
synthesize(List<Element>, Voice, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.HMMSynthesizer
Synthesize a given part of a MaryXML document.
synthesize(List<Element>, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Synthesize a list of tokens and boundaries with the waveform synthesizer providing this voice.
synthesize(List<Element>, Voice, String) - Method in interface marytts.modules.synthesis.WaveformSynthesizer
Synthesize a given part of a MaryXML document.
synthesize(Datagram[][], Datagram[], Datagram[]) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.HnmUnitConcatenator
synthesize(List<Element>, Voice, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.interpolation.InterpolatingSynthesizer
Synthesize a given part of a MaryXML document.
synthesize(List<Element>, Voice, String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionSynthesizer
Synthesize a given part of a MaryXML document.
synthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
Synthesize given vocalization (i.e.
synthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
Synthesize given vocalization (i.e.
synthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
Synthesize given vocalization using MLSA vocoder
synthesize(int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesisTechnology
Synthesize given vocalization
synthesize(Voice, AudioFileFormat, Element) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
Handle a request for synthesis of vocalization
synthesizer() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
synthesizerClasses() - Static method in class marytts.server.MaryProperties
Names of the classes to use as waveform synthesizers.
synthesizeUsingImposedF0(int, int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
Impose target intonation contour on given vocalization using HNM technology
synthesizeUsingImposedF0(int, int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
Impose target intonation contour on given vocalization using HNM technology
synthesizeUsingImposedF0(int, int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
Impose target intonation contour on given vocalization using MLSA technology
synthesizeUsingImposedF0(int, int, AudioFileFormat) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesisTechnology
Impose target intonation contour on given vocalization


target - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
Target - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
A representation of a target representing the ideal properties of a unit in a target utterance.
Target(String, Element) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
Create a target associated to the given element in the MaryXML tree.
targetAttributeFormat - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
targetAttributeName - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The attribute into which the predicted acoustic feature should be written.
targetCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
TargetCostFunction - Interface in marytts.unitselection.select
A target cost function for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
targetCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
targetCostWeight - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
targetDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
targetFeatureCloner - Static variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
TargetFeatureComputer - Class in marytts.features
Compute a given set of features for a Target.
TargetFeatureComputer(FeatureProcessorManager, String) - Constructor for class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
Construct a TargetFeatureComputer that knows how to compute features for a Target using the given set of feature processor names.
targetFeatureComputer - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
TargetFeatureLister - Class in marytts.modules
Read a simple phone string and generate default acoustic parameters.
TargetFeatureLister(MaryDataType) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
TargetFeatureLister() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister
TARGETFEATURES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
tcfForHalfphones - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction
TestProducingNHttpEntity - Class in marytts.server.http
TestProducingNHttpEntity() - Constructor for class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
TEXT - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
text() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSection
TextToMaryXML - Class in marytts.modules
Embed plain text input into a raw (untokenised) MaryXML document.
TextToMaryXML() - Constructor for class marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML
tick() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter
Register one new cost computation
timeIdxBytePos - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
timeLimit - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The duration given to the module before timeout occurs (in milliseconds).
timeline - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
TimelineReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
The TimelineReader class provides an interface to read regularly or variably spaced datagrams from a Timeline data file in Mary format.
TimelineReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Construct a timeline from the given file name.
TimelineReader(String, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Construct a timeline from the given file name.
TimelineReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Only subclasses can instantiate a TimelineReader object that doesn't call TimelineReader.load(String).
TimelineReader.IdxField - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Simple helper class to read the index fields in a timeline.
TimelineReader.IdxField() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.IdxField
TimelineReader.IdxField(long, long) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.IdxField
TimelineReader.Index - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Simple helper class to read the index part of a timeline file.
TimelineReader.Index(int, Vector<TimelineReader.IdxField>) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.Index
Constructor which builds a new index with a specific index interval and a given sample rate.
TimelineReader.ProcHeader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Simple helper class to load the processing header.
TimelineReader.ProcHeader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.ProcHeader
Constructor which makes the procHeader from a String.
timePtr - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader.IdxField
timingInfo - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
to - Variable in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
to - Variable in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
to() - Method in class marytts.modules.ExternalModule
The stream on which data is written to the external process.
toBI2ContourMap - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
tobiPredFilename - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
tobiPredMap - Variable in class marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric
toFeatureString(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Convert a feature vector into a String representation.
toFeatureVector(int, String) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from a String representation.
toFeatureVector(int, byte[], short[], float[]) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
toHttpResponse(double[], HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
toHttpResponse(int[], HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
toHttpResponse(String, HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
toHttpResponse(byte[], HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
toHttpResponse(InputStream, HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
toHttpResponse(InputStream, HttpResponse, String, long) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
TOKEN - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
TOKEN_MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class marytts.modules.JTokeniser
TOKENS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
tokenText(Element) - Static method in class marytts.util.dom.MaryDomUtils
Convenience method returning the text string of a token element.
toKeyValuePairs(String, boolean) - Static method in class marytts.server.http.MaryHttpServerUtils
Convert HTTP request string into key-value pairs
toRequestedAudioEffectsString(Map<String, String>) - Method in class marytts.server.http.SynthesisRequestHandler
toStandardOut(FeatureArrayIndexer, int) - Method in class marytts.cart.impose.MaryNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraph
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.DirectedGraphNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FeatureVectorLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.FloatLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntAndFloatArrayLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.IntArrayLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.PdfLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode.StringAndFloatLeafNode
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
toString(String) - Method in class marytts.cart.Node
toString() - Method in class marytts.cart.StringPredictionTree
toString() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
toString() - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
toString() - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Return a string representation of this set of target features; feature values separated by spaces.
toString() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSModel
toString() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.HMMSynthesizer
toString() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice.Gender
toString() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Returns the return value of getName().
toString() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.Phone
for debugging, provide the names of the left and right targets as the string representation of this class
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.DiphoneUnit
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.Target
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
Converts this object to a string.
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
Converts this object to a string.
toString() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
toString() - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationCandidate
toStringValues(FeatureVector) - Method in class marytts.features.TargetFeatureComputer
For the given feature vector, convert each encoded value into its string representation.
totalDuration - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
The total duration of the timeline data, in samples.
totalRead - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.DatagramOverlapDoubleDataSource
toTextOut(DirectedGraph, PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.DirectedGraphWriter
toTextOut(CART, PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.MaryCARTWriter
toTextOut(CART, PrintWriter) - Method in class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTWriter
Debug output to a text file
TRACE - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
TrainedLTS - Class in marytts.modules.phonemiser
This predicts pronunciation from a model trained with LTSTrainer.
TrainedLTS(AllophoneSet, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
Initializes letter to sound system with a phoneSet, and load the decision tree from the given file.
TrainedLTS(AllophoneSet, InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
Initializes letter to sound system with a phoneSet, and load the decision tree from the given file.
TrainedLTS(AllophoneSet, CART) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.phonemiser.TrainedLTS
trainer(int) - Method in class marytts.vocalizations.KMeansClusterer
trainModel(String[], String, int, double, SoP) - Method in class marytts.machinelearning.SFFS


uniformRand() - Method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
uniform_rand: generate uniformly distributed random numbers 1 or -1
uninstall() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription
Uninstall this component.
uninstallSelectedLanguagesAndVoices() - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
uniqueDecisionNodeId - Variable in class marytts.cart.DecisionNode
uniqueLeafId - Variable in class marytts.cart.LeafNode
Unit - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Representation of a unit from a unit database.
Unit(long, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.Unit
unit - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.SelectedUnit
UnitConcatenator - Interface in marytts.unitselection.concat
Concatenates the units of an utterance and returns an audio stream
UnitDatabase - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
The unit database of a voice
UnitDatabase() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
unitDB - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
unitDuration - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator.UnitData
UnitFileReader - Class in marytts.unitselection.data
Loads a unit file in memory and provides accessors to the start times and durations.
UnitFileReader() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Empty constructor; need to call load() separately.
UnitFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitFileReader
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
unitFileReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
unitFileReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
unitFileReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
unitFileReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
unitIndex - Variable in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
unitNames - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
unitReader - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.data.UnitDatabase
units - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
UnitSelectionSynthesizer - Class in marytts.unitselection
Builds and synthesizes unit selection voices
UnitSelectionSynthesizer() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionSynthesizer
UnitSelectionVoice - Class in marytts.unitselection
A Unit Selection Voice
UnitSelectionVoice(String, WaveformSynthesizer) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
UnitSelector - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
Selects the units for an utterance
UnitSelector() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.UnitSelector
Initialise the unit selector.
unitSelector - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.UnitSelectionVoice
unitToTimeline(int) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
unitToTimeline(long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
unitToTimelineSampleRateFactor - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.concat.BaseUnitConcatenator
unpronounceablePosRegex - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
unScaleTime(int, long) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.TimelineReader
Unscales a discrete time from the timeline's sample rate.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ProgressPanel
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.ShortDescriptionPanel
updateGraph() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
updateGraph() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.TargetCostReporter
updateGraph() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures.JoinCostReporter
updatePhAttributesFromPhElements(Element) - Method in class marytts.modules.PronunciationModel
updateVoices(LanguageComponentDescription, boolean) - Method in class marytts.tools.install.InstallerGUI
updateVoices(LanguageComponentDescription, boolean) - Method in interface marytts.tools.install.VoiceUpdateListener
Take note of the fact that the current language has changed and the list of voices needs updating.
usedModules - Variable in class marytts.server.Request
usePrecondition - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
userdict - Variable in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
userdictLookup(String, String) - Method in class marytts.modules.JPhonemiser
look a given text up in the userdict.
UTTERANCES - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
uttsDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller


v - Variable in class marytts.cart.impose.FeatureFileIndexingResult
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.cart.DecisionNode.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.cart.LeafNode.LeafType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.features.FeatureVector.FeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.htsengine.HMMData.FeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.htsengine.HMMData.PdfFileFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.modules.acoustic.ModelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.cart.DecisionNode.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.cart.LeafNode.LeafType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.features.FeatureVector.FeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass
values - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
values() - Static method in enum marytts.htsengine.HMMData.FeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.htsengine.HMMData.PdfFileFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.modules.acoustic.ModelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum marytts.tools.install.ComponentDescription.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
veryLowMemoryCondition() - Static method in class marytts.util.MaryRuntimeUtils
Verify if the java virtual machine is in a very low memory condition.
vffrtContourCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
vffrtUnitCostFunction - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
vHNMFeaturesReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
vIntonationReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology
vIntonationReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.HNMSynthesisTechnology
vIntonationReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
vIntonationReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
Viterbi - Class in marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi
Provides support for the Viterbi Algorithm.
Viterbi(List<Target>, UnitDatabase, float, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
Creates a Viterbi class to process the given utterance.
Viterbi(List<Target>, UnitDatabase, float, float, int) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
Creates a Viterbi class to process the given utterance.
ViterbiCandidate - Class in marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi
Represents a candidate for the Viterbi algorthm.
ViterbiCandidate(Target, Unit, TargetCostFunction) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiCandidate
ViterbiPath - Class in marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi
Describes a Viterbi path.
ViterbiPath(ViterbiCandidate, ViterbiPath, double) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPath
ViterbiPoint - Class in marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi
Represents a point in the Viterbi path.
ViterbiPoint(Target) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.ViterbiPoint
Creates a ViterbiPoint for the given target.
vMLSAFeaturesReader - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.MLSASynthesisTechnology
VocalizationCandidate - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Class represents a vocalization candidate
VocalizationCandidate(int, double) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationCandidate
VocalizationFeatureFileReader - Class in marytts.vocalizations
VocalizationFeatureFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationFeatureFileReader
VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction - Class in marytts.unitselection.select
FFRTargetCostFunction for vocalization selection
VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction(VocalizationFeatureFileReader) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction
VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction(VocalizationFeatureFileReader, FeatureDefinition) - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.select.VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction
VocalizationIntonationReader - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Vocalization contours and their corresponding polynomial coeffs reader from a intonation timeline reader file
VocalizationIntonationReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationIntonationReader
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
VocalizationSelector - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Select suitable vocalization for a given target using a cost function
VocalizationSelector(Voice) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSelector
VocalizationSynthesisTechnology - Class in marytts.vocalizations
An abstract class for vocalization syntehsis technology
VocalizationSynthesisTechnology() - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesisTechnology
VocalizationSynthesizer - Class in marytts.vocalizations
The vocalization synthesis module.
VocalizationSynthesizer(Voice) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
VocalizationUnit - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Representation of a unit from a unit database.
VocalizationUnit(long, int, int) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnit
VocalizationUnitFileReader - Class in marytts.vocalizations
Loads a unit file in memory and provides accessors to the start times and durations.
VocalizationUnitFileReader() - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Empty constructor; need to call load() separately.
VocalizationUnitFileReader(String) - Constructor for class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationUnitFileReader
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
VocalTractLinearScalerEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
VocalTractLinearScalerEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
VocalTractLinearScalerEffect(int) - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.VocalTractLinearScalerEffect
vocoderList(String[]) - Static method in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
VOICE - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryXML
Voice - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
A helper class for the synthesis module; each Voice object represents one available voice database.
Voice(String, Locale, AudioFormat, WaveformSynthesizer, Voice.Gender) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
Voice(String, WaveformSynthesizer) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice
voice() - Method in class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSection
Voice.Gender - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
Voice.Gender(String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.Voice.Gender
VoiceComponentDescription - Class in marytts.tools.install
VoiceComponentDescription(String, String, String) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
VoiceComponentDescription(Element) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.VoiceComponentDescription
VoiceConfig - Class in marytts.config
VoiceConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class marytts.config.VoiceConfig
VoiceDataDumper - Class in marytts.unitselection.analysis
Convenience class to dump relevant data from a unit selection voice to a Praat TextGrid and a wav file for inspection of timeline data in external tools (e.g.
VoiceDataDumper() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.analysis.VoiceDataDumper
voiceName - Variable in class marytts.modules.acoustic.Model
The voice with which this model is associated
VoicePanel - Class in marytts.tools.install
VoicePanel(VoiceComponentDescription) - Constructor for class marytts.tools.install.VoicePanel
Creates new form VoicePanel
VoiceSection - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
A helper class for the synthesis module, representing a section of synthesis input data to be spoken by the same voice.
VoiceSection(Voice, String) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSection
VoiceSectioner - Class in marytts.modules.synthesis
A helper class for the synthesis module, splitting synthesis input data into sections to be spoken by the same voice.
VoiceSectioner(String, Voice) - Constructor for class marytts.modules.synthesis.VoiceSectioner
VoiceUpdateListener - Interface in marytts.tools.install
VolumeEffect - Class in marytts.signalproc.effects
VolumeEffect() - Constructor for class marytts.signalproc.effects.VolumeEffect
vSelector - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer
vSynthesizer - Variable in class marytts.vocalizations.VocalizationSynthesizer


WagonCARTReader - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for CARTs in WagonCART format
WagonCARTReader(LeafNode.LeafType) - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTReader
When creating a WagonCARTReader provide a tree type
WagonCARTWriter - Class in marytts.cart.io
IO functions for CARTs in WagonCART format
WagonCARTWriter() - Constructor for class marytts.cart.io.WagonCARTWriter
WaveformSynthesizer - Interface in marytts.modules.synthesis
Provide a common interface for all waveform synthesizers, to be called from within the "wrapping" Synthesis module.
WEIGHT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
WeightFunc - Interface in marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
A uniform interface for the weighting functions.
weightFuncMap - Static variable in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunctionManager
weightFunction - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
WeightFunctionManager - Class in marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
This class connects weighting function names with the actual instances of the weighting functions.
WeightFunctionManager() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunctionManager
Dummy empty contructor.
WeightingFunction - Class in marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
Defines the applicable weighting functions.
WeightingFunction() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction
WeightingFunction.linear - Class in marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
Linear weighting function: just computes the difference.
WeightingFunction.linear() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.linear
WeightingFunction.step - Class in marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions
Step weighting function: saturates above a given percentage of the input values.
WeightingFunction.step() - Constructor for class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.step
weightsNonZero - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.FFRTargetCostFunction
whoAmI() - Method in interface marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightFunc
Return a weighting function definition string.
whoAmI() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.linear
Returns the string definition for this weight function.
whoAmI() - Method in class marytts.unitselection.weightingfunctions.WeightingFunction.step
String definition of the function.
wJoinCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
WLEFT - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
wordDir - Variable in class marytts.modules.FestivalCaller
wordFrequencies - Variable in class marytts.features.MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency
WORDS - Static variable in class marytts.datatypes.MaryDataType
wPhonetic - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
WRIGHT - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSPStream
write(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.FloatArrayDatagram
Write this datagram to a random access file or data output stream.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.HnmDatagram
Write this datagram to a random access file or data output stream.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.LPCDatagram
Write this datagram to a random access file or data output stream.
write(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.data.MCepDatagram
Write this datagram to a random access file or data output stream.
writeBinaryTo(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Write this feature definition in binary format to the given output.
writeOutputData(OutputStream) - Method in class marytts.server.Request
Write the output data to the specified OutputStream.
writePraatDurationTier(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
For debugging, generate Praat DurationTier, which can be used for PSOLA-based manipulation in Praat.
writePraatPitchTier(String) - Method in class marytts.unitselection.analysis.ProsodyAnalyzer
For debugging, generate Praat PitchTier, which can be used for PSOLA-based manipulation in Praat.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Write our internal representation to output stream os, in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class marytts.datatypes.MaryData
Write our internal representation to writer w, in the appropriate way as determined by our type.
writeTo(PrintWriter, boolean) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureDefinition
Export this feature definition in the text format which can also be read by this class.
writeTo(DataOutput) - Method in class marytts.features.FeatureVector
Write a binary representation of this feature vector to the given data output.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class marytts.server.http.AudioStreamNHttpEntity
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class marytts.server.http.TestProducingNHttpEntity
wSCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi
wSignal - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.JoinCostFeatures
wTargetCosts - Variable in class marytts.unitselection.select.viterbi.Viterbi


ZERO - Static variable in class marytts.htsengine.HTSVocoder
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 

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