Package | Description |
marytts.cart | |
marytts.features | |
marytts.machinelearning |
Machine learning classes for K-Means clustering, Gaussian Mixture
Models, and manual data generation for testing purposes.
marytts.modules |
All the modules doing the actual processing.
marytts.modules.acoustic | | | | | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
StringPredictionTree.getMostProbableString(Target aTarget) |
Object |
DirectedGraph.interpret(Target t) |
Object |
CART.interpret(Target target,
int minNumberOfData)
Passes the given item through this CART and returns the interpretation.
Node |
CART.interpretToNode(Target target,
int minNumberOfData)
Passes the given item through this CART and returns the leaf Node, or the Node it stopped walking down.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FeatureVector |
TargetFeatureComputer.computeFeatureVector(Target target)
Using the set of feature processors defined when creating the target feature computer, compute a feature vector for the
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TargetElementNavigator.getElement(Target target)
Given the target, retrieve an XML Element.
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegmentNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSegmentNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSegmentNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSegmentNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSegmentNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentInWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSegmentInWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSyllableInWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevSyllableNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPrevSyllableNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextSyllableNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextNextSyllableNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastSyllableInPhraseNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.FirstSegmentNextWordNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
Element |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.LastWordInSentenceNavigator.getElement(Target target) |
short |
ShortValuedFeatureProcessor.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Phone.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneUnitName.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.PhoneFeature.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Pos.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Gpos.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.SegOnsetCoda.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.Selection_PhoneClass.process(Target target)
Give back the phone class of the target
byte |
MaryLanguageFeatureProcessors.WordFrequency.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Edge.process(Target target)
This processor always returns 0 for targets.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.HalfPhoneLeftRight.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Style.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Accented.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Stressed.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SyllableTone.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumPhrases.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SentenceNumWords.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumSyls.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhraseNumWords.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSyls.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordNumSegs.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylNumSegs.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromSylEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SegsFromWordEnd.process(Target target)
Performs some processing on the given item.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromWordEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylBreak.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PositionType.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.IsPause.process(Target target)
Check if segment is a pause
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.BreakIndex.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiAccent.process(Target target)
For the given syllable item, return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.TobiEndtone.process(Target target)
For the given syllable item, return its tobi end tone, or 0 if there is none.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextAccent.process(Target target)
Search for an accented syllable, and return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevAccent.process(Target target)
Search for an accented syllable, and return its tobi accent, or 0 if there is none.
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPhraseEndtone.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPhraseEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.StressedSylsFromPhraseEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.AccentedSylsFromPhraseEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPhraseEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromSentenceEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceStart.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PhrasesFromSentenceEnd.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevAccent.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextAccent.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsFromPrevStressed.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.SylsToNextStressed.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordPunc.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.NextPunctuation.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.PrevPunctuation.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsToNextPunctuation.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.WordsFromPrevPunctuation.process(Target target) |
byte |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.Selection_Prosody.process(Target target)
Determine the prosodic property of the target
float |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitDuration.process(Target target) |
float |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0.process(Target target) |
float |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0Delta.process(Target target) |
float |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.GenericContinuousFeature.process(Target target) |
float |
ContinuousFeatureProcessor.process(Target target) |
byte |
ByteValuedFeatureProcessor.process(Target target) |
protected float |
MaryGenericFeatureProcessors.UnitLogF0.process(Target target,
boolean delta)
Compute log f0 and log f0 delta for the given target.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
SoP.interpret(Target t) |
double |
SoP.solve(Target t,
FeatureDefinition feaDef,
boolean log)
Solve the linear equation given the features (factors) in t and coeffs and factors in the SoP object * if interceptTterm =
TRUE solution = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1]*factors[0] + coeffs[2]*factors[1] + ...
double |
SoP.solve(Target t,
FeatureDefinition feaDef,
boolean log,
boolean debug) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<Target> |
TargetFeatureLister.createTargetsWithPauses(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
String silenceSymbol)
Create the list of targets from the segments to be synthesized Prepend and append pauses if necessary
static List<Target> |
HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister.createTargetsWithPauses(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
String silenceSymbol)
Create the list of targets from the segments to be synthesized Prepend and append pauses if necessary
List<Target> |
TargetFeatureLister.getListTargetFeatures(TargetFeatureComputer featureComputer,
List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries)
Return directly the targets, and set in each target its feature vector
static List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargets(Scanner s,
HMMData htsData) |
static List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargetsFromFile(String LabFile,
HMMData htsData)
Reads the Label file, the file which contains the Mary context features, creates an scanner object and calls getTargets
List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargetsFromText(String LabText,
HMMData htsData)
Creates a scanner object with the Mary context features contained in Labtext and calls getTargets
protected List<Target> |
TargetFeatureLister.overridableCreateTargetsWithPauses(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
String pauseSymbol)
Access the code from within the our own code so that a subclass can override it.
protected List<Target> |
HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister.overridableCreateTargetsWithPauses(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
String pauseSymbol)
Access the code from within the our own code so that a subclass can override it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MaryData |
HTSEngine.process(MaryData d,
List<Target> targetFeaturesList,
List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
List<Element> tokensAndBoundaries)
This functions process directly the target features list: targetFeaturesList when using external prosody, duration and f0
are read from acoustparams: segmentsAndBoundaries realised durations and f0 are set in: tokensAndBoundaries when calling
this function HMMVoice must be initialised already, that is TreeSet and ModelSet must be loaded already.
protected HTSUttModel |
HTSEngine.processTargetList(List<Target> targetFeaturesList,
List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
HMMData htsData)
Process feature vectors in target list to generate a list of models for generation and realisation
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Target> |
Model.getTargets(List<Element> elements)
For a list of
PHONE elements, return a list of Targets, where each Target is constructed from the
corresponding Element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected float |
SoPModel.evaluate(Target target)
Apply the SoP to a Target to get its predicted value
protected abstract float |
Model.evaluate(Target target)
Evaluate model on a Target to obtain the target value as a float.
protected float |
HMMModel.evaluate(Target target)
Apply the HMM to a Target to get its predicted value, this method is not used in HMMModel.
protected float |
CARTModel.evaluate(Target target)
Apply the CART to a Target to get its predicted value
protected float |
BoundaryModel.evaluate(Target target)
For boundaries, this does nothing;
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ViterbiCandidate> |
UnitDatabase.getCandidates(Target target)
Preselect a set of candidates that could be used to realise the given target.
List<ViterbiCandidate> |
DiphoneUnitDatabase.getCandidates(Target target)
Preselect a set of candidates that could be used to realise the given target.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DiphoneTarget |
class |
HalfPhoneTarget |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Target | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Target |
SelectedUnit.getTarget() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Target> |
UnitSelector.createTargets(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries)
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
protected List<Target> |
HalfPhoneUnitSelector.createTargets(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries)
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
protected List<Target> |
DiphoneUnitSelector.createTargets(List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries)
Create the list of targets from the XML elements to synthesize.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TargetCostFunction.computeTargetFeatures(Target target)
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
void |
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.computeTargetFeatures(Target target)
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
void |
FFRTargetCostFunction.computeTargetFeatures(Target target)
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
void |
DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction.computeTargetFeatures(Target target)
Compute the features for a given target, and store them in the target.
protected double |
JoinCostFeatures.cost(Target t1,
Target t2)
double |
TargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
double |
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
double |
FFRTargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
double |
DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target.
protected double |
VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit,
FeatureDefinition weights,
WeightFunc[] weightFunctions)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of a given unit for a given target
protected double |
FFRTargetCostFunction.cost(Target target,
Unit unit,
FeatureDefinition weights,
WeightFunc[] weightFunctions) |
double |
PrecompiledJoinCostReader.cost(Target t1,
Unit uleft,
Target t2,
Unit uright)
Return the (precomputed) cost of joining the two given units; if there is no precomputed cost, return
double |
JoinModelCost.cost(Target t1,
Unit u1,
Target t2,
Unit u2)
A combined cost computation, as a weighted sum of the signal-based cost (computed from the units) and the phonetics-based
cost (computed from the targets).
double |
JoinCostFunction.cost(Target t1,
Unit u1,
Target t2,
Unit u2)
Compute the goodness-of-fit of joining two units, given the corresponding targets
double |
JoinCostFeatures.cost(Target t1,
Unit u1,
Target t2,
Unit u2)
A combined cost computation, as a weighted sum of the signal-based cost (computed from the units) and the phonetics-based
cost (computed from the targets).
double |
FFRTargetCostFunction.featureCost(Target target,
Unit unit,
String featureName)
Compute the goodness-of-fit between given unit and given target for a given feature
protected double |
VocalizationFFRTargetCostFunction.featureCost(Target target,
Unit unit,
String featureName,
FeatureDefinition weights,
WeightFunc[] weightFunctions)
Compute the goodness-of-fit between given unit and given target for a given feature
protected double |
FFRTargetCostFunction.featureCost(Target target,
Unit unit,
String featureName,
FeatureDefinition weights,
WeightFunc[] weightFunctions) |
Constructor and Description |
SelectedUnit(Unit unit,
Target target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Target |
Gets the target of this point
Target |
Gets the target of this candidate
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ViterbiPoint.setTarget(Target target)
Sets the target of this point
Constructor and Description |
ViterbiCandidate(Target target,
Unit unit,
TargetCostFunction tcf) |
ViterbiPoint(Target target)
Creates a ViterbiPoint for the given target.
Constructor and Description |
Viterbi(List<Target> targets,
UnitDatabase database,
float wTargetCosts,
float wSCosts,
int beamSize)
Creates a Viterbi class to process the given utterance.
Viterbi(List<Target> targets,
UnitDatabase database,
float wTargetCosts,
int beamSize)
Creates a Viterbi class to process the given utterance.
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