Package marytts.signalproc.sinusoidal.hntm.synthesis

Synthesis package for harmonics plus noise model consisting of the following modules: HarmonicPartLinearPhaseInterpolatorSynthesizer: harmonic part synthesis with a linear phase interpolator NoisePartWaveformSynthesizer: Noise part synthesizer when the noise is kept as original-harmonic waveform NoisePartLpFilterPostHpfLpcSynthesizer: Noise part synthesizer using linear prediction forward filter with optional post filtering with an highpass filter
NoisePartWindowedOverlapAddLpcSynthesizer: Noise part synthesizer using a windowed overlap add approach (supports highpass filtering as well)
NoisePartPseudoHarmonicSynthesizer: A pseudo-harmonic approach for noise part generation using parameters obtained by the harmonic part analysis algorithm applied to noise part assuming a fixed f0
TransientPartSynthesizer: A waveform synthesizer for transient parts (performs windowing at transition boundaries)

See: Description

Package marytts.signalproc.sinusoidal.hntm.synthesis Description

Synthesis package for harmonics plus noise model consisting of the following modules:

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