Package | Description |
marytts.htsengine | |
marytts.modules |
All the modules doing the actual processing.
marytts.vocalizations |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HMMData |
HMMVoice.getHMMData() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HTSModel |
CartTreeSet.generateHTSModel(HMMData htsData,
FeatureDefinition feaDef,
FeatureVector fv,
double oldErr)
creates a HTSModel (pre-HMM optimization vector data for all parameter streams of a given phoneme) given a feature vector
compare with original code in the main loop of marytts.modules.HTSEngine#processTargetList()
static AudioFormat |
HTSVocoder.getHTSAudioFormat(HMMData htsData)
get the audio format produced by the hts vocoder
void |
HTSParameterGeneration.htsMaximumLikelihoodParameterGeneration(HTSUttModel um,
HMMData htsData)
HTS maximum likelihood parameter generation
AudioInputStream |
HTSVocoder.htsMLSAVocoder(HTSParameterGeneration pdf2par,
HMMData htsData)
HTS_MLSA_Vocoder: Synthesis of speech out of mel-cepstral coefficients.
double[] |
HTSVocoder.htsMLSAVocoder(HTSPStream lf0Pst,
HTSPStream mcepPst,
HTSPStream strPst,
HTSPStream magPst,
boolean[] voiced,
HMMData htsData,
HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer audioProducer) |
void |
GVModelSet.loadGVModelSet(HMMData htsData,
FeatureDefinition featureDef) |
void |
CartTreeSet.loadTreeSet(HMMData htsData,
FeatureDefinition featureDef,
PhoneTranslator trickyPhones)
Loads all the CART trees
void |
HTSPStream.mlpg(HMMData htsData) |
void |
HTSPStream.mlpg(HMMData htsData,
boolean useGV) |
double |
CartTreeSet.searchDurInCartTree(HTSModel m,
FeatureVector fv,
HMMData htsData,
boolean firstPh,
boolean lastPh,
double diffdur) |
double |
CartTreeSet.searchDurInCartTree(HTSModel m,
FeatureVector fv,
HMMData htsData,
double diffdur)
Searches fv in durTree CART[] set of trees, per state, and fill the information in the HTSModel m.
Constructor and Description |
HTSVocoder.HTSVocoderDataProducer(int audioSize,
HTSParameterGeneration pdf2par,
HMMData htsData) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargets(Scanner s,
HMMData htsData) |
static List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargetsFromFile(String LabFile,
HMMData htsData)
Reads the Label file, the file which contains the Mary context features, creates an scanner object and calls getTargets
List<Target> |
HTSEngine.getTargetsFromText(String LabText,
HMMData htsData)
Creates a scanner object with the Mary context features contained in Labtext and calls getTargets
String |
HMMDurationF0Modeller.HmmF0Generation(HTSUttModel um,
HMMData htsData)
Generate F0 values for voiced frames out of HMMs
protected HTSUttModel |
HTSEngine.processTargetList(List<Target> targetFeaturesList,
List<Element> segmentsAndBoundaries,
HMMData htsData)
Process feature vectors in target list to generate a list of models for generation and realisation
HTSUttModel |
HTSEngine.processUttFromFile(String feaFile,
HMMData htsData) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected HMMData |
MLSASynthesisTechnology.htsData |
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