Constructor and Description |
LocalMaryInterface() |
Constructor and Description |
LeafNode.PdfLeafNode(int idx,
double[][] pdf) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DirectedGraph |
DirectedGraphReader.load(InputStream inStream)
Load the directed graph from the given file
CART[] |
HTSCARTReader.load(int numStates,
InputStream treeStream,
InputStream pdfStream,
HMMData.PdfFileFormat fileFormat,
FeatureDefinition featDefinition,
PhoneTranslator phTranslator)
Load the cart from the given file
MaryCARTReader.load(String fileName)
Load the cart from the given file
DirectedGraph |
DirectedGraphReader.load(String fileName)
Load the directed graph from the given file
Node |
WagonCARTReader.load(String fileName,
FeatureDefinition featDefinition,
String[] dummy)
Load the cart from the given file
MaryCARTReader.loadFromStream(InputStream inStream)
Load the cart from the given file
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
This method will try to check that the available configs are consistent and will spot obvious reasons why they might not
work together as a full system.
static AllophoneSet |
MaryConfig.getAllophoneSet(Locale locale)
Get the allophone set for the given locale, or null if it cannot be retrieved.
protected AllophoneSet |
LanguageConfig.getAllophoneSetFor(Locale locale) |
Constructor and Description |
LanguageConfig(InputStream propertyStream) |
MainConfig() |
MaryConfig(InputStream propertyStream) |
SynthesisConfig(InputStream propertyStream) |
VoiceConfig(InputStream propertyStream) |
Constructor and Description |
FeatureProcessorManager(Locale locale) |
FeatureProcessorManager(String localeString) |
FeatureProcessorManager(Voice voice)
Constructor called from a Voice that has its own acoustic models
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HMMData.initHMMData(PropertiesAccessor p,
String voiceName) |
void |
HMMData.initHMMData(String voiceName) |
void |
HMMData.initHMMDataForHMMModel(String voiceName)
Reads from configuration file tree and pdf data for duration and f0 this method is used by HMMModel
void |
HMMData.loadCartTreeSet() |
void |
CartTreeSet.loadTreeSet(HMMData htsData,
FeatureDefinition featureDef,
PhoneTranslator trickyPhones)
Loads all the CART trees
Constructor and Description |
GermanConfig() |
JPhonemiser() |
Constructor and Description |
FeatureProcessorManager(Voice voice)
Constructor called from a Voice in Locale DE that has its own acoustic models
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Hashtable<String,String> |
MorphologyReader.loadInputModel(InputStream modelStream) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
Preprocess.expand(Document doc)
processes a document in mary xml format, from Tokens to Words which can be phonemised.
Constructor and Description |
EnglishConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
FrenchConfig() |
Phonemiser() |
Constructor and Description |
ItalianConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
LuxembourgishConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
Phonemiser(String propertyPrefix) |
Phonemiser(String componentName,
MaryDataType inputType,
MaryDataType outputType,
String allophonesProperty,
String userdictProperty)
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
RussianConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
SwedishConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
JPhonemiser(String propertyPrefix) |
JPhonemiser(String componentName,
MaryDataType inputType,
MaryDataType outputType,
String allophonesProperty,
String userdictProperty,
String utf8toit3mapProperty)
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
TeluguConfig() |
Constructor and Description |
TurkishConfig() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MaryModule |
ModuleRegistry.instantiateModule(String moduleInitInfo)
From the given module init info, instantiate a new mary module.
protected void |
ProsodyGeneric.loadTobiPredRules() |
Constructor and Description |
JPhonemiser(String propertyPrefix) |
JPhonemiser(String componentName,
MaryDataType inputType,
MaryDataType outputType,
String allophonesProperty,
String userdictProperty,
String lexiconProperty,
String ltsProperty)
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
JPhonemiser(String componentName,
MaryDataType inputType,
MaryDataType outputType,
String allophonesProperty,
String userdictProperty,
String lexiconProperty,
String ltsProperty,
String removetrailingonefromphonesProperty)
Constructor providing the individual filenames of files that are required.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Model.applyFromTo(List<Element> predictFromElements,
List<Element> applyToElements)
Apply this Model to a List of Elements, predicting from a different List of Elements
void |
HMMModel.applyFromTo(List<Element> predictFromElements,
List<Element> applyToElements)
Predict F0 for the list of elements and apply to another list of elements.
void |
Model.applyTo(List<Element> elements)
Apply this Model to a List of Elements, predicting from those same Elements
void |
HMMModel.applyTo(List<Element> elements)
Predict duration for the list of elements.
protected void |
Try to load this model and set the target feature computer appropriately.
protected abstract void |
Load dataFile for this model; only extension classes know how to do this
protected void |
Load trees and pdfs, from HMM configuration file.
protected void |
Load CART from file for this Model
protected void |
Model.setupFeatureComputer() |
Constructor and Description |
CARTModel(FeatureProcessorManager featureManager,
String voiceName,
InputStream dataStream,
String targetAttributeName,
String targetAttributeFormat,
String featureName,
String predictFrom,
String applyTo) |
HMMModel(FeatureProcessorManager featureManager,
String voiceName,
InputStream dataStream,
String targetAttributeName,
String targetAttributeFormat,
String featureName,
String predictFrom,
String applyTo)
Model constructor
SoPModel(FeatureProcessorManager featureManager,
String voiceName,
InputStream dataStream,
String targetAttributeName,
String targetAttributeFormat,
String featureName,
String predictFrom,
String applyTo)
Model constructor
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AllophoneSet |
AllophoneSet.getAllophoneSet(InputStream inStream,
String identifier)
Return the allophone set that can be read from the given input stream, identified by the given identifier.
static AllophoneSet |
AllophoneSet.getAllophoneSet(String filename)
Return the allophone set specified by the given filename.
void |
TrainedLTS.loadTree(InputStream treeStream)
Convenience method to load tree from an inputstream
static void |
TrainedLTS.main(String[] args) |
Constructor and Description |
TrainedLTS(AllophoneSet aPhonSet,
InputStream treeStream)
Initializes letter to sound system with a phoneSet, and load the decision tree from the given file.
TrainedLTS(AllophoneSet aPhonSet,
InputStream treeStream,
boolean removeTrailingOneFromPhones)
Initializes letter to sound system with a phoneSet, and load the decision tree from the given file.
Constructor and Description |
Voice(String name,
Locale locale,
AudioFormat dbAudioFormat,
WaveformSynthesizer synthesizer,
Voice.Gender gender)
Voice(String name,
WaveformSynthesizer synthesizer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static InputStream |
MaryProperties.getStream(String propertyName)
For the named property, attempt to get an open input stream.
static InputStream |
MaryProperties.needStream(String propertyName)
For the named property, attempt to get an open input stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ContextualGMMParams |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.getContextualGMMParams(String phoneSetFile,
GMMTrainerParams[] params,
int contextClassificationType) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.main(String[] args) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainHmmVoiceConversion(String[] args) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainIEEE_TASLP_2009_rap(String[] args) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainInterspeech2008(String[] args) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainParametric(int numTrainingFiles,
int[] numComponents,
boolean isContextualGMMs,
int contextClassificationType,
String sourceTag,
String targetTag,
String method) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainQuickTest(String[] args) |
static void |
JointGMMParallelTrainer.mainQuickTest2(String[] args)
Depending on the parameters it will train GMMs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
Blizzard09PostProcessor.main(String[] args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static byte[] |
CoverageUtils.sentenceToFeatures(String sentence,
Locale locale,
String featureNames,
boolean clientServer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
LTSTrainer.main(String[] args) |
protected void |
LexiconCreator.testLTS() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LTSLexiconPOSBuilder.trainPredict(String treeAbsolutePath)
train and predict module
void |
TranscriptionTable.trainPredict(String treeAbsolutePath,
boolean myRemoveTrailingOneFromPhones)
train and predict module
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CARTBuilder.buildAndDumpDistanceTables(FeatureVector[] featureVectors,
String filename,
FeatureDefinition featDef)
Build the distance tables for the units from which we have the feature vectors and dump them to a file with the given
boolean |
SCostUnitFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
PhoneFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
JoinCostPrecomputer.compute() |
boolean |
JoinCostFileMaker.compute() |
boolean |
F0PolynomialTreeTrainer.compute() |
boolean |
F0PolynomialInspector.compute() |
boolean |
F0PolynomialFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
F0CARTTrainer.compute() |
boolean |
DurationTreeTrainer.compute() |
boolean |
DurationCARTTrainer.compute() |
boolean |
AllophonesExtractor.compute() |
boolean |
AcousticFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
Read and concatenate a list of data files into a single timeline file.
void |
SanityChecker.computeCoverage(String inFile) |
void |
AllophonesExtractor.generateAllophonesFile(String basename) |
CARTBuilder.importCART(String filename,
FeatureDefinition featDef)
Read in the CARTs from festival/trees/ directory, and store them in a CARTMap
protected void |
TranscriptionAligner.initialiseComp() |
boolean |
CARTBuilder.replaceLeaves(CART cart,
FeatureDefinition featureDefinition)
For each leaf in the CART, run Wagon on the feature vectors in this CART, and replace leaf by resulting CART
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
VocalizationUnitfileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
Reads and concatenates a list of waveforms into one single timeline file.
boolean |
VocalizationFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
VocalizationF0PolyFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
boolean |
HNMFeatureFileWriter.compute() |
Constructor and Description |
UnitSelectionVoice(String name,
WaveformSynthesizer synthesizer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TimelineReader |
VoiceDataDumper.loadAudioTimeline(String fileName)
Load audio timeline from file
protected HnmTimelineReader |
HnmVoiceDataDumper.loadAudioTimeline(String fileName)
Load audio timeline from file
protected void |
VoiceDataDumper.loadFeatureFile(String fileName)
Load unit feature file from file
protected void |
VoiceDataDumper.loadUnitDatabase(String audioTimelineFileName,
String basenameTimelineFileName,
String unitFileName)
Load unit database from various relevant files
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
Compute the total duration of a timeline.
static FeatureFileReader |
FeatureFileReader.getFeatureFileReader(String fileName)
Get a feature file reader representing the given feature file.
long |
Return the total duration of all data in this timeline.
void |
TimelineReader.Index.load(DataInput rafIn)
Method which loads an index from a data input (random access file or data input stream).
void |
UnitFileReader.load(String fileName)
Load the given unit file
protected void |
TimelineReader.load(String fileName)
Load a timeline from a file.
void |
SCostFileReader.load(String fileName)
Load the given unit file
protected void |
MCepTimelineReader.load(String fileName) |
protected void |
LPCTimelineReader.load(String fileName) |
protected void |
HnmTimelineReader.load(String fileName) |
void |
FeatureFileReader.load(String fileName) |
protected void |
TimelineReader.load(String fileName,
boolean tryMemoryMapping)
Load a timeline from a file.
protected void |
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader.loadFromByteBuffer(String fileName) |
protected void |
FeatureFileReader.loadFromByteBuffer(String fileName) |
protected void |
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader.loadFromStream(String fileName) |
protected void |
FeatureFileReader.loadFromStream(String fileName) |
static void |
HnmTimelineReader.main(String[] args)
Dump audio from HNM timeline to a series big-endian raw audio files in chunks of Datagrams (clusterSize).
Constructor and Description |
FeatureFileReader(String fileName) |
HalfPhoneFeatureFileReader(String fileName) |
HnmTimelineReader(String fileName) |
LPCTimelineReader(String fileName) |
MCepTimelineReader(String fileName) |
SCostFileReader(String fileName)
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
TimelineReader(String fileName)
Construct a timeline from the given file name.
TimelineReader(String fileName,
boolean tryMemoryMapping)
Construct a timeline from the given file name.
UnitFileReader(String fileName)
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
Constructor and Description |
InterpolatingVoice(InterpolatingSynthesizer is,
String name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StatisticalModelCost.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this scost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given configPrefix.
void |
StatisticalCostFunction.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this scost cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given
void |
PrecompiledJoinCostReader.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given
void |
JoinModelCost.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given
void |
JoinCostFunction.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given
void |
JoinCostFeatures.init(String configPrefix)
Initialise this join cost function by reading the appropriate settings from the MaryProperties using the given
void |
TargetCostFunction.load(String featureFileName,
InputStream weightsStream,
FeatureProcessorManager featProc)
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
void |
FFRTargetCostFunction.load(String featureFileName,
InputStream weightsStream,
FeatureProcessorManager featProc)
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
void |
DiphoneFFRTargetCostFunction.load(String featureFileName,
InputStream weightsStream,
FeatureProcessorManager featProc)
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
void |
JoinModelCost.load(String joinFileName,
InputStream joinPdfStream,
InputStream joinTreeStream,
String trickyPhonesFile)
Load weights and values from the given file
void |
PrecompiledJoinCostReader.load(String fileName,
InputStream dummy,
String dummy2,
float dummy3)
Load the given precompiled join cost file
void |
JoinCostFunction.load(String joinFileName,
InputStream weightStream,
String precompiledCostFileName,
float wSignal)
void |
JoinCostFeatures.load(String joinFileName,
InputStream weightStream,
String precompiledCostFileName,
float wSignal)
Load weights and values from the given file
void |
HalfPhoneFFRTargetCostFunction.load(String featureFileName,
String weightsFile,
FeatureProcessorManager featProc)
Initialise the data needed to do a target cost computation.
Constructor and Description |
JoinCostFeatures(String fileName)
Constructor which read a Mary Join Cost file.
PrecompiledJoinCostReader(String fileName)
Create a precompiled join cost file reader from the given file
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String[] |
MaryRuntimeUtils.checkLexicon(String propertyName,
String token) |
static AllophoneSet |
MaryRuntimeUtils.determineAllophoneSet(Element e)
For an element in a MaryXML document, do what you can to determine the appropriate AllophoneSet.
static AllophoneSet |
MaryRuntimeUtils.determineAllophoneSet(Locale locale)
Try to determine the Allophone set to use for the given locale.
static Object |
MaryRuntimeUtils.instantiateObject(String objectInitInfo)
Instantiate an object by calling one of its constructors.
static AllophoneSet |
MaryRuntimeUtils.needAllophoneSet(String propertyName)
Convenience method to access the allophone set referenced in the MARY property with the given name.
Constructor and Description |
MaryHeader(ByteBuffer input)
Construct a MaryHeader by reading from a file.
MaryHeader(DataInput input)
Construct a MaryHeader by reading from a file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DomUtils.document2File(Document document,
File file)
Write a DOM document into a file.
static void |
DomUtils.document2Stream(Document document,
OutputStream target)
Write a DOM document into an output stream.
static String |
DomUtils.document2String(Document document)
Write a DOM document into a string.
static boolean |
MaryDomUtils.isSchemaValid(Document doc)
Verify whether a given document is valid in the sense of Schema XML validation.
Constructor and Description |
Default constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InputStream |
PropertiesAccessor.getStream(String propertyName)
For the named property, attempt to get an open input stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VocalizationUnitFileReader.load(String fileName)
Load the given unit file
void |
VocalizationIntonationReader.load(String fileName)
Load the given unit file
protected void |
VocalizationFeatureFileReader.loadFromByteBuffer(String fileName) |
protected void |
VocalizationFeatureFileReader.loadFromStream(String fileName) |
Constructor and Description |
FDPSOLASynthesisTechnology(String waveTimeLineFile,
String unitFile,
String intonationFeatureFile,
boolean imposeF0Support) |
HNMFeatureFileReader(String fileName)
Create a feature file reader from the given HNM feature file
HNMSynthesisTechnology(String waveTimeLineFile,
String unitFile,
String hnmFeatureFile,
String intonationFeatureFile,
boolean imposeF0Support) |
MLSAFeatureFileReader(String fileName)
Create a feature file reader from the given MLSA feature file
MLSASynthesisTechnology(String mlsaFeatureFile,
String intonationFeatureFile,
String mixedExcitationFile,
boolean imposePolynomialContour) |
VocalizationFeatureFileReader(String fileName) |
VocalizationIntonationReader(String fileName)
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
VocalizationSelector(Voice voice) |
VocalizationSynthesizer(Voice voice) |
VocalizationUnitFileReader(String fileName)
Create a unit file reader from the given unit file
Constructor and Description |
Config() |
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